shox - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
Richard "shox" Papillon (born May 27, 1992) is a French professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and former professional Counter-Strike: Source and Counter-Strike player.
shox (gamer) - Wikipedia
Shox is best known for playing for a number of French Counter-Strike teams, including VeryGames, Titan, Team LDLC, EnVyUs, G2, and Team Vitality. [3] . Shox began playing competitive Counter-Strike in 2006 [8] but made his name in Counter-Strike: Source with French squads that dominated the game.
Richard 'shox' Papillon's Counter-Strike Player Profile | HLTV.org
Richard Papillon known as shox, is a 32 year old Counter-Strike player from France.
1992年5月27日出生于法国巴黎,csgo职业选手,效力于Team Liquid战队。
shox - YouTube
Professional CS:GO Player Social Media 📺https://www.twitch.tv/shoxiejesuss 📱 https://www.tiktok.com/@shox_cs 🐤https://twitter.com/sh...
shox CS2 Settings, Crosshair & Config - ProSettings.net
2025年3月1日 · Free Agent shox settings and setup, including CFG, crosshair, viewmodel, sensitivity and more. Always updated for CS2.
shox CS2 Settings, Crosshair, Config - ProSettings
shox - CS2 Settings, Mouse Sensitivity, Video Settings, Resolution, Crosshair Codes, Viewmodel, Launch Options, CFG, Socials and more
CS:GO传奇选手:shox - 哔哩哔哩
2020年9月1日 · 今天我们就要讲一期在法国CS上起着重要作用的人物shox,回顾shox的职业生涯,你就能发现法国CS艰难曲折的前进之路。 shox于1992年在法国出生,年幼的他便发现了这款游戏,并对其产生浓厚兴趣。 CS一直伴随着他的学习生涯,直到在他十几岁时,他励志要成为一个职业电竞选手,便说服了母亲奔波于职业赛场上。 但他的母亲也曾告诫过他,想要靠电竞养活自己非常艰难,但shox坚信自己可以成为CS:GO的顶级选手,事实上也确实如此,shox如此果断 …
CSGO 唯一Major全勤选手 shox,17次参加Major赛事
2022年4月14日 · 昨日凌晨,Liquid在美洲RMR的出线战中2:0战胜EG成功晋级安特卫普 Major,作为美洲RMR第五名的队伍,他们将参加挑战者阶段的比赛。 CSGO Major全勤选手 shox. 对于即将年满30岁的shox来说,能够晋级这次Major赛事对于他来说意义非凡,因为这将会是他职业生涯中参加的 第17次Major赛事,而他也是 目前世界上唯一一位确定参加每届Major赛事的选手。 Major首秀. 在CS:GO项目的首届Major赛事,2013年Dreamhack 冬季赛上,20岁的shox就作为法国队 …
shox CS:GO Settings, Gear, Config & Crosshair 2025
shox CS:GO settings: Config, gaming gear & sensitivity used by pro Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player Richard "shox" Papillon. Includes shox's CS:GO keybindings, mouse settings, DPI, crosshair, cfg, video & graphics settings as well as his hardware setup and resolution.