Shun (Small) | Character - Blue Archive
Shun (Small) is a Permanent 3* Explosive Striker student who will be having a rerun during the upcoming event recap alongside other returning students Saya (Casual) and Kokona. Following her release, S.Shun was a strong option for an Explosive Single Target damage dealer with a relatively complex Buff and Debuff cycle.
春原瞬(小) - 百度百科
春原瞬(小)是游戏《蔚蓝档案》中的换装学生。 [1] 隶属于山海经高级中学。 梅花园的教官,喝了纱绫的秘药后身体变回了小孩子的样子。 身体虽然变小了,心理却没有变,所以她希望表 …
Sunohara Shun (Young ver.) - Blue Archive Wiki
Sunohara Shun (Young ver.) (春原シュン (幼女 Ver.),) is the Young Variant of Shun and is one of the students studying in Shanhaijing Senior Secondary School who wields a Sniper Rifle. She is a member of the Plum Blossom Garden .
Shun (Kid) - Blue Archive Wiki
2025年2月1日 · Sunohara Shun (Kid) is a 3-star Attacker playable character in Blue Archive.
春原旬 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
春原旬 是 NEXON Games 开发的游戏《蔚蓝档案》及其衍生作品中的登场角色。 山海经高级中学所属、训练支援部“梅花园”的教官。 “梅花园”既是园的名字,也是这个社团的名字。 她个性善良而且带人宽厚,除了梅花园的孩子们之外,也深得山海经其他学生的信任。 由于担任了很久的教官,所以即使小孩子们做恶作剧也不会太生气。 但是如果有人提及了自己的年纪,她就会表现出敏感的反应。 “有乖乖等吗? 喝了沙耶的秘药之后身体重新回到童年时期的“梅花园”教官。 虽然身 …
Shun (Small) | Schale DB
A database and calculation tool for the mobile game Blue Archive.
Shun - Blue Archive Wiki
2025年2月1日 · Sunohara Shun is a 3-star Attacker playable character in Blue Archive. Belonging to Shanhaijing Senior High School, Shun is an instructor of the disciplinary support department known as Meihua Yuan (Plum Blossom Garden).
Shun - 碧蓝档案WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
瞬性格亲切宽容,深受梅花园的孩子们以及山海经高级中学校其他学生的信赖。 作为教官,已经工作了很长时间,对孩子们的恶作剧很少生气。 然而,一旦谈及自己的年龄,她会表现出敏感的反应。 瞬使用的狙击步枪。 无论什么样的问题儿童,只要瞬拿出这把枪,她们马上就会变得乖巧。 当然,她不会对着幼儿园的孩子用。 Lv. 坏孩子在哪里? 大家,集中注意力!
It's Inconvenient Being Small! - Blue Archive Wiki
2024年11月10日 · Shun finds it difficult to tidy up at Plum Blossom due to her small stature. Luckily, Sensei arrives and helps Shun finish cleaning, and the two spend quality time...
【Blue Archive】 is Shun (Small) ACTUALLY GOOD? - YouTube
the instructor of Meihua Yuan is here, but is Shun (Kid) actually good? This is Blue Archive Shun (Young) Guide and Showcase Video. I discussed her capabilities as an Explosive Sniper Rifle...