SM57 - Instrument Microphone - Shure USA
The Shure SM57 is the world's most versatile instrument microphone. This dynamic microphone can handle the highest sound pressure levels without distortion.
Shure SM57 Pro XLR Dynamic Microphone - Professional Studio …
The Shure SM57 unidirectional dynamic microphone is exceptional for musical instrument pickup or for vocals. With its bright, clean sound and carefully contoured presence rise, the SM57 is ideal for live sound reinforcement and recording.
SM57 - SM57 动圈乐器话筒 - Shure 中国
出色的SM57心形动圈话筒堪称业内标准,拥有多种功能,能够清晰再现扩音乐器和原声乐器的声音。 SM57是扩音和录音应用的理想之选。
Shure SM57 Cardioid Dynamic Instrument Microphone
One of the things that define the Shure SM57 as the quintessential workhorse microphone is its signature frequency response and presence boost. This natural presence boost brings out …
SM57 - Dynamic Instrument Microphone - Shure
Cardioid dynamic instrument microphone offers clean reproduction of amplified and acoustic instruments. Features include contoured frequency response for rich vocal pickup, background …
Shure SM57 - Wikipedia
The Shure SM57 is a low- impedance cardioid dynamic microphone made by Shure Incorporated and commonly used in live sound reinforcement and studio recording. It is one of the best-selling microphones in the world.
Shure SM57 Cardioid Dynamic Instrument Microphone with …
2023年6月20日 · Buy Shure SM57 Cardioid Dynamic Instrument Microphone with Pneumatic Shock Mount, A25D Mic Clip & A2WS Locking Microphone Windscreen - Reduces Unwanted Breath and Wind Noise, Black: Vocal - Amazon.com …
Shure SM57 動圈式麥克風 SM 57-LC-X 經典舞台現場樂器麥克風
Shure SM57 可謂最常被舞台或練團室用於收錄樂器音色的樂器專用麥克風,常常在不同的場地出現:練團室、舞台、錄音室等等,由於高度的耐用性、實惠的價格以及高效率的聲音反映,一直是許多人愛用的樂器麥克風,尤其是在錄製爵士鼓、吉他、木管樂器等等 ...
SHURE SM57 動圈式 專業收音麥克風 - PChome 24h購物
SM57動圈樂器話筒是最受專業音樂人追捧的一款擴音或原聲樂器話筒, 適用於吉他放大器或貝司放大器、薩克斯風、小號或鼓等樂器。 全球的舞台和錄音室都有它的身影。 音質如何? SM57動圈樂器話筒的波狀頻率響應擁有現場增強效果,讓樂器的聲音在混音
Shure SM57 动圈乐器话筒评测:专业音频的理想选择-话筒设备 …
2024年9月23日 · Shure SM57 是一款备受欢迎的动圈乐器话筒,专为乐器录音和现场表演设计。 凭借其卓越的音质和耐用性,Shure SM57 已成为专业音频工作者的首选设备之一。
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