BETA® 58A - Vocal Microphone - Shure USA
Perfect for vocals in live environments, the Shure BETA 58A is a dynamic vocal microphone that will cut through other sounds onstage to elevate your voice.
BETA 57A - Dynamic Instrument Microphone - Shure USA
The Shure BETA®57A is a high output supercardioid dynamic microphone designed for professional sound reinforcement and project studio recording. It maintains a true supercardioid pattern throughout its frequency range. This insures high gain-before-feedback, maximum isolation from other sound sources, and minimum off–axis tone coloration.
BETA® 87A - BETA® 87A Vocal Microphone - Shure USA
The Shure BETA®87A is a premium quality supercardioid hand-held electret condenser vocal microphone with exceptionally smooth frequency response and high sound pressure level capability.
Amazon.com: Shure BETA 58A Vocal Microphone - Single …
The Shure BETA 58A is a high-output supercardioid dynamic vocal microphone designed for professional sound reinforcement and project studio recording. It has become a leading choice among vocalists and touring professionals worldwide. The BETA 58A maintains a true supercardioid pattern throughout its frequency range.
BETA 58A - BETA 58A 动圈人声话筒 - Shure 中国
精密制作的 Beta 58A 适用于现场演出和录音室录音。 明亮的中音和衰减的低音,使主唱和背景人声显得格外突出。 超心形模式能更有效地隔绝其它声源,可谓是歌手的最佳拍档。 性能优势
BETA 87A - BETA 87A 人声话筒 - Shure 中国
精心制作的BETA 87A电容人声话筒具有平直的、修正的频率响应,提供饱满精确的声音。 BETA 87A超心形拾音模式更大限度地隔绝附近的人声或乐器声。
BETA 27 - BETA 27 乐器话筒 - Shure 中国
Amazon.com: Shure BETA 57A Instrument Microphone
2007年7月10日 · The Shure BETA 57A is a high output supercardioid dynamic microphone designed for professional sound reinforcement and project studio recording. It maintains a true supercardioid pattern throughout its frequency range. This insures high gain-before-feedback, maximum isolation from other sound sources, and minimum off–axis tone coloration.
Shure Beta 58A Supercardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone
Perfect for vocals in live environments, this go-to dynamic mic gives you the ruggedness you need while its supercardioid pickup pattern excels at keeping outside sound sources at bay. The Beta 58 has a very smooth frequency response, so it works well on all kinds of voices.
Shure Beta 58A Vocal Microphone 人聲動圈式麥克風 - 香港格價網
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