Shyren - Undertale Wiki
Shyren (/ˈʃaɪrən/) is the sixth miniboss in Undertale. The protagonist can encounter Shyren nearby Waterfall 's piano puzzle. Shyren is a fish-like monster, ashamed of her scary face and poor …
Shyren | Undertale Wiki | Fandom
Shyren 是在 瀑布 出现的敌人。 Shyren是一条类似鱼的怪物,对自己可怕的脸及不动听的歌声感到羞耻。 战斗时会将她的后背转向主角。 她的"身体"只是一个不相干的物体,而看似头的部分 …
叙利亚,全称阿拉伯叙利亚共和国(阿拉伯语:الجمهوريّة العربيّة السّوريّة; 英语:The Syrian Arab Republic; 法语:La République arabe syrienne),位于亚洲西部, 地中海 东岸,国土总面 …
Shyrien Amalina (@shyrien) • Instagram photos and videos
4,320 Followers, 2,891 Following, 171 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Shyrien Amalina (@shyrien)
Syrians - Wikipedia
Syrians (Arabic: سوريون) are the majority inhabitants of Syria, indigenous to the Levant, who have Arabic, especially its Levantine and Mesopotamian dialects, as a mother tongue.
叙利亚 - 搜狗百科
2025年1月31日 · 叙利亚,全称阿拉伯叙利亚共和国(阿拉伯语:الجمهوريّة العربيّة السّوريّة,英语:The Syrian Arab Republic),位于 亚洲大陆西部,地中海东岸。 北靠 土耳其,东南邻伊拉 …
Foreign relations of Syria - Wikipedia
Since the Syrian Republic gained independence from the French Mandate, Syria has seen tension with its neighbours, such as Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon.
Shyren | Wiki | Undertale Amino
• Shyren's name is a combination of shy and siren. • Naming the fallen human "Shyren" will result in a response of, "..?". • Shyren is only the small fish atop the apparent body, which in turn is …
Syrien – Wikipedia
Syrien (arabiska: سُورِيَة eller سُورِيَا, Suriya), formellt Arabrepubliken Syrien[4] (اَلْجُمْهُورِيَّةُ ٱلْعَرَبِيَّةُ ٱلْسُوْرِيَّة, al-Jumhuriyya al-Arabiyya as-Suriyya, …
Shyren - The Codex
2025年2月12日 · Shyren is a fish-like monster, ashamed of her scary face and poor singing abilities. She fights with her back turned to the protagonist. Her "body" is a separate entity …