硅 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
经过 H 钝化或 H 封端处理过的硅,以 Si-H 键取代了表面 Si-Si 悬空键。 这会防止形成表面氧化层。 有机硅化合物广泛用作润滑剂和脱模剂,尤其是在聚合物材料制备中。
Silicon | Periodic Table | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
This effect allows XPS to measure the thickness of Si oxide films. H-passivated or H-terminated silicon has a treatment which replaces surface Si-Si dangling bonds with Si-H bonds. These …
XPS investigation of a-Si : H thin films after light soaking
1998年12月1日 · Amorphous hydrogenated silicon thin films prepared by homogeneous chemical vapour deposition have been studied. The Si2p, O1s and C1s electron spectra have been …
合体构成的非晶SiCxOy:H. SiC外延层表面的化学态结构为Si(CH2)4,SiO(CH2)3,SiO2 (CH3)2,SiO3 (CH3) ,Si —Si ,游 离H 2 O ,缔合OH ,Si —OH ,O 和O 2 . 根据化学态结构和元素电负性确定了 …
In situ XPS analysis of the electronic structure of silicon and ...
2021年3月15日 · In this study, we focus on reducing the amount of carbon from UHV chamber inside surfaces via silicon and titanium coatings using a low-pressure inductively-coupled …
Normalized XPS spectra of Si 2p line, spectrally ... - ResearchGate
The high-resolution Si 2p XPS spectrum consists of a single peak with a binding energy of 102.64 eV, which was deconvoluted into two components at 102.61 and 103.51 eV corresponding to …
XPS Studies of Hydrogen and Oxygen Bonding Configurations in …
1992年9月1日 · The bonding of Si atoms in μc-Si:H thin films has been investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in conjunction with infra-red spectroscopy (IR), secondary …
XPS characterization and optical properties of Si/SiO
1998年7月18日 · X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) analysis of these films revealed that the main low valency Si state was SiO x (0<x <2) for Si/SiO 2, and Si for Si/Al 2 O 3 and …
a—Si:H的XPS研究 - 百度文库
a—Si:H的XPS研究-是恒 定 的。 但对微 晶村底上沉积 的 a S : — jH来讲, 在界 面附近 氧浓度 有增加 的趋势,如 图 2 所 示 , 在 界 面 处 氧 硅 键合 将主 要 以 S O 形 式 存 在 , 当然 , …
光浸泡后 a-Si:H 薄膜的 XPS 研究,Journal of Luminescence - X-MOL
摘要 研究了均相化学气相沉积法制备的非晶氢化硅薄膜。 使用重复的 100 mW/cm2 白光照明和 X 射线光电子能谱 (XPS) 测量在不同的光浸泡时间后记录了 Si2p、O1s 和 C1s 电子光谱。 光 …
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