Vibrational density of states of silicon nanoparticles
2011年1月18日 · The vibrational density of states of silicon nanoparticles in the range from 2.3 to 10.3 nm is studied with the help of molecular-dynamics simulations. From these simulations the vibrational density of states and frequencies of bulklike vibrational modes at high-symmetry points of the Brillouin zone have been derived.
[综合交流] 一篇文章里的vibrational density of states(VDOS)计算方 …
2022年1月12日 · 这篇文献介绍了各种fullerene一直延展到graphene的振动分析,计算VDOS的方法(作者假定graphene就是fullerene直径无穷大的情况),作者还提出了一个Z-VDOS,就是在分子XY平面外的振动频率分析。
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运行命令 :gnuplot "si.dos.gnu" 得到图像: (计算绘制的图像) (参考的图像) 阅读参考: https://www. bilibili.com/video/BV12 q4y1o7K3?p=19&vd_source=69e13a57f1883975c63ddff3bda9877e
Fcc Si DOS - VASP Wiki
To copy the self-consistent charge density of example fcc_Si to your current working directory (assumed to be fccSidos), type: $ cp ../fccSi/CHGCAR . You must do this otherwise VASP can not read the CHGCAR and will terminate.
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