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Si-xue Qin - INSPIRE-HEP
Si-xue Qin (Argonne, PHY) (Jan 13, 2016) Published in: EPJ Web Conf. 113 (2016) 05024 • Contribution to: FB21 • e-Print: 1601.03134 [nucl-th] pdf DOI cite claim. reference search 10 …
云思智学 | 教育云 - edu.yunsizhixue.com
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Si-Xue - ORCID
ORCID record for Si-Xue Cheng. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
Si-Xue Cheng: Chemistry H-index & Awards - Research.com
Si-Xue Cheng combines subjects such as Chromatography, Dosage form, Doxorubicin Hydrochloride, Calcium carbonate and Drug with his study of Drug delivery. The Micelle study …
20+ "Si Xue" profiles | LinkedIn
View the profiles of professionals named "Si Xue" on LinkedIn. There are 20+ professionals named "Si Xue", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities.
Ke Si - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Colledge of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, P.R.China - 引用次数:1,762 次 - Biophotonics - Optical Microscopy - Optical Imaging - Deep tisssue imaging - Neuroscience
四川大学 Sichuan University
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