Kreiss, SIA, 40103116320 - company data - Lursoft
1994年2月22日 · Kravu pārvadātājs SIA “Kreiss” 2019.gadā turpinājis darbu, lai paplašinātu klientu loku Baltijas, Skandināvijas un Eiropas valstīs, paaugstinātu klientu apkalpošanas …
About us – Kreiss
Kreiss is a major company in Latvia and a noticeable service provider in the European logistics market. We provide transportation and logistics services all over Europe and the CIS countries.
Flexibility and an individual approach help us to provide excellent logistics services to our customers, from the request for transportation to the delivery of goods. Our “Tailor Made …
Kontakti / Rekvizīti – Kreiss
SIA “Kreiss” Reģ. Nr. 40103116320 PVN reģ. Nr. LV40103116320 "Bērzlapas 5", Mārupe, Mārupes nov., LV-2167 Banka: Citadele Banka AS PARXLV22 | Konts: LV38 PARX 0000 …
Kreiss, SIA
Kreiss, SIA, Reģ. nr. 40103116320, "Bērzlapas 5", Mārupe, Mārupes nov., LV-2167. Iesniegta patiesā labuma guvēja informācija. Amatpersonas, īpašnieki, apgrozījums, peļņa, komercķīlas, …
Kreiss SIA Company Profile | Marupes novads, Latvia
Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Kreiss SIA of Marupes novads. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.
SIA KREISS - truck tractors for sale, semi-trailers for sale - Autoline
"Kreiss" Company is the largest Latvian carrier of perishable cargoes in the European market. Our park consists of towing vehicles such as VOLVO, Mercedes and refrigerator semitrailers …
SIA \"KREISS\" | International Fairs Directory | Vehicle Repair ...
Kreiss is one of the major freight carriers in Europe. We offer full service logistics throughout Europe and CIS countries. Competent employees are our key to success. Great team work, …
SIA KREISS | transport logistic China | logistics, transport, logistics ...
Kreiss is a road-transport logistics company with own assets, a fleet of more than 1500 trucks and a noticeable service provider in the European logistics market with more than 30 years' …
Kreiss Company Profile | Management and Employees List
Kreiss is a major company in Latvia and a noticeable service provider in the European logistics market. We provide transportation and logistics services all over Europe and the CIS countries.