详解美国护士分级 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
美国护士主要分为3个等级,由上而下分别是 Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Practical Nurse (LVN, Certified Nursing Assistant。 兹分别介绍如下: 1、Registered Nurse – RN. RN 直译为注册护士,相当于中国的护师,但其工作的专业性却比中国要高出许多。 RN是护理人员施行护理整个过程的掌控者。 从接受病人开始,须利用各种护理方法,搜集病人的主、客观资料,作初步的护理评估 (Assessment)。 同时就搜集的资料加以护理分析 (Analysis),并提出正确的护理诊断 …
浅谈美国护士分级——赴美护士所需要了解的 - 知乎
RN是护理人员实行护理整个过程的掌控者。从接收病人开始,须利用各种护理方法,搜集病人的主、客观资料,作初步的 护理评估 (Nursing Assessment)。同时就搜集的资料加以护理分析(Nursing Analysis),并提出正确的护理诊断(Nursing Diagnosis)和适当的护理计划(Planning)。
Registered Nurse RN | Free NCLEX Review, Care Plans, RN Salary
Nursing students can access care plan examples, nursing school study tips, NCLEX review lectures and quizzes, nursing skills, and more. New nurses can access job resources such as interview tips, nursing job resumes, and job search tools.
Complete List of Common Nursing Certifications - Nurse.org
An RN certification is an optional and voluntary specialty nursing certification that a nurse can achieve independently and that represents a standard beyond minimum licensure. In addition to APRN certification, RNs can get certifications in areas such as wound care, critical care, hospice care, addictions, informatics, education, and much more.
"apa" 和 "siapa" 和 "siapakah" 和 "berapa" 和有什么不一样?
Siapa - Who (informal) Berapa - How Siapakah - Who (formal only)-Kah is added for formal questions. Without it, it sounds informal. Without adding - kah, you can change the structure of the sentence. eg) Siapakah dia? - Who is he? Siapa dia? - (Casually) who is he? Dia siapa? - (Very casually) who's he?
Elizabeth J. Corwin, PhD, MSN, BS, BSN, FNP, FAAN
Corwin is leading interdisciplinary research aimed at uncovering the biological mechanisms responsible for symptom development and adverse health outcomes in pregnant and postpartum women. She is a doctorally prepared physiologist, as well as a certified family nurse practitioner.
Pengertian Perawat (Nurse): Jenis, Tugas dan Proses Keperawatan
Perawat Praktis Berlisensi atau Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) juga dikenal sebagai Perawat Kejuruan Berlisensi (LVN), mendukung tim perawatan kesehatan inti dan bekerja di bawah pengawasan RN, APRN, atau MD. Dengan memberikan perawatan dasar dan rutin, mereka memastikan kesejahteraan pasien di seluruh perjalanan perawatan kesehatan
Mapping the literature of emergency nursing - PMC
Purpose: Emergency nursing covers a broad spectrum of health care from trauma surgery support to preventive health care. The purpose of this study is to identify the core literature of emergency nursing and to determine which databases provide the most thorough indexing access to the literature cited in emergency nursing journals.
"siapa "是什麼意思? - 關於馬來語的問題 - HiNative
用 日語 要怎麼說? I have an English work about "death row for children", I wanna know how the government of your co...
Funny Motivational Keynote Speaker for Nurses | Donna Cardillo, RN
As an MA, RN, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), FAAN (Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing), Donna is a powerhouse of energy, wisdom, humor, and solid content. She has been referred to as a positive force of nature who lights a path for others to follow.
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