Read these instructions carefully before starting any work on the device to familiarize yourself with the LMS5xx laser measurement sensor and its functions. The operating instructions are considered a part of the device and must be kept in an accessible location in the immediate vicinity of the device at all times, optimally in printed format.
SICK 是工业用智能传感器和传感技术解决方案的主要制造商之一。 独特的产品和服务范围为安全有效地控制流程创造良好的基础,防止发生人身事故并且避免环境污染。
SIcK’s new, high-speed sampling 5-echo technolo-gy provides five measurements for each emitted pulse – with the reflectivity value for each distance value. rain, fog, snow, dust – LMS5xx looks right through it. and if you wanted, you could even measure changing weather conditions in front of the object of interest.
SICK offers sensor intelligence solutions including the LMS5xx series for various applications, ensuring high performance and reliability.
SICK is one of the leading manufacturers of intelligent sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applica-tions. A unique range of products and services creates the perfect basis for controlling processes securely and eficiently, protecting individuals from accidents and preventing damage to the environment.
SICK | Sensor Intelligence
SICK | Sensor Intelligence
- [PDF]
It can also be used to implement systems for collision protection, object protection or access monitoring, for example. The device may only be put into operation by authorized staff and only in industrial environments. SICK AG assumes no liability for losses or damage arising from the use of the product, either directly or indirectly.
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AMETEK Lloyd LS5的传感器以其高精度、多种量程选择、耐用性、易于集成、高响应速度以及可校准和认证的特点,成为各行业材料测试的理想选择。
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LS5-9D-200-M12-德国LEUZE劳易测对射光电传感器-深圳市天为机 …
德国LEUZE劳易测对射光电传感器LS5-9D-200-M12工作原理:单向原理设备类型:发射器检测距离:0 ... 1...