OTO Melara SIDAM-25 (Prototype) - Ground - Official Forum
2024年1月23日 · The SIDAM-25 was a self propelled anti aircraft platform made by OTO Melara during the late stages of the cold war. It’s main purpose was to supply the Italian army with a low cost AA platform based on the M113 APC, which would be slightly modified to properly accomodate the turret and various other instruments vital for it to function.
SIDAM 25 (Mistral) History Questions… - War Thunder
2024年8月15日 · Hello, I was just curious on the history of this vehicle as there really isn’t any information/sources on it (at least that I’ve found) other than a few drawings, one link (which is shared below) and Gaijin’s take on it. <details><summary>Gaijin’s Take</summary>“ Modernization plans for the SIDAM 25 were drawn up in late 1994, when Italian engineers proposed the up-arming of the ...
The BR of the SIDAM 25 - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
2024年5月9日 · Sidam 25 at same BR as Gepard/ITPSV 90/Chieftain marksman/za-35/PGZ-09 is just totally bs! I swapped it out for Hungarian Shilka as soon as I could and haven’t regretted it! I agree Sidam is good at close air defense when you have to make snap shots at close jets, but I prefer the crappy Shilka radar anyday!
Br sidam 25 - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder — official forum
2023年8月28日 · After the last update made to the post war tank BR, there was a problem for those few vehicles that were not affected by the change. An example is the SIDAM 25 (whose BR remained 8.3), before you could play it in a formation with 8.7 BRs (which is no longer possible because in the Italian TT there are no longer 8.7s) now instead the Br is close to its are 8.0 and 9.0, understand that if I play ...
Inconsistent BR placements for high tier SPAAs - War Thunder
2024年4月28日 · Compared to other 8.3 (or even 8.0!) SPAAs that other countries have access to, the SIDAM 25 is quite… sad. The SIDAM 25’s features (and lack of features): No search radar, the only other SPAA at the same BR that currently doesn’t have a search radar is the Falcon, but the Falcon, as we all know, is a tank destroyer first and an SPAA second
BMR SIDAM 25 - Ground - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年2月2日 · The most obvious reason is the Italian Tree lack of anti-air capabilities, this acquisition could give Italy a highly mobile AA in contrast to the slow Sidam-25, they would have almost the same protection capabilities. I think it would make the Italian tree much more balanced compared to the other playable nations. Source. army-guide.com Army Guide
Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025 - War Thunder
2025年2月4日 · The SIDAM 25 Mistral has the same issues as the SIDAM 25. No radar, very little AP ammo, slow. Compared to every other 9.7 SPAA it is significantly worse. The Gepard 1A2 and the SIDAM 25 Mistral being the same BR only proves what everyone knows, the average Germany player is an unskilled player. The most similar vehicle to the SIDAM 25 Mistral ...
Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025 - War Thunder
2025年2月4日 · I also support the BR (Ground RB) for the SIDAM 25 Mistral to go from 9.7 >>> 9.3. The SIDAM 25 Mistral has the same issues as the SIDAM 25. No radar, very little AP ammo, slow. Compared to every other 9.7 SPAA it is significantly worse. The Gepard 1A2 and the SIDAM 25 Mistral being the same BR only proves what everyone knows, the average Germany player is an unskilled player. The most similar ...
Mistral SATCP on SIDAM 25 (Mistral) & SANTAL - War Thunder
2023年7月2日 · The Mistral SATCP on the SIDAM 25 (Mistral) & SANTAL is missing the head of the missile, instead having the pointed head floating in mid air in front of the body of the missile.
The Return of the Super AA - Simulator Battle - War Thunder
2024年8月19日 · So it looks like super AAs have returned. Was just sniped by a Sidam-25 in a Phantom FG1 at 8k ft doing Mach 1.1. I figured at that alt I would be well beyond their range, and thus safe, but apparently not. I think this was a battlefield AA, but I have found that both convoy and battlefield AAs have been very very OP of late and even the carrier AA (at least the enemy but never our carrier ...