List of Slavic pseudo-deities - Wikipedia
Slavic pseudo- deities (pseudo- gods, pseudo- goddesses) are Slavic deities described in popular and sometimes even scientific literature, whose historicity is not recognized by the vast majority of scholars, i.e. the deities in question are not deemed actually to have been objects of worship among pagan Slavs.
斯拉夫神话 - 百度百科
斯拉夫神话 (英语:Slavic mythology)是 斯拉夫民族 (包括俄罗斯人、白俄罗斯人、乌克兰人、南斯拉夫人、波兰人、捷克人、斯洛伐克人等)特有的一个神话体系。 包括 斯拉夫 民间信仰在内,斯拉夫神话已传承了超过3000年以上,在斯拉夫民族改信基督教以前,他们所信奉的就是所谓的斯拉夫神话中的神明。 按地区来分,斯拉夫神话大略可分为东斯拉夫神话与西斯拉夫神话。 东斯拉夫神话主要流传在俄罗斯、 白俄罗斯 、 乌克兰。 西斯拉夫神话则主要流传于 波兰 的北部地区, …
List of Slavic deities | Religion Wiki | Fandom
Rod - The birth-giver, creator of all existent. Supreme god, according to some theories. Template:Slavmyth. cs:Seznam slovanských bohů. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. This is a list of Slavic deities, spirits and mythological creatures.
milanvidakovic/siebog: The Siebog Multiagent Framework - GitHub
Siebog is an enterprise-scale multiagent middleware consisting of the following main modules: Extensible Java EE-based Agent Framework (XJAF): Built using Java EE technologies, XJAF operates on top of computer clusters, offering automatic agent load-balancing, state-replication, and fault-tolerance.
The Siebog multiagent middleware - ScienceDirect
2016年7月1日 · In this paper we present Siebog, our multiagent middleware designed for the modern web. Its main purpose is to provide infrastructural support for multiagent systems with practical applications in many artificial intelligence domains, including swarm intelligence, artificial (social) life, distributed machine learning and decision making, etc.
List of Slavic deities - Wikipedia
The pagan Slavs were polytheistic, which means that they worshipped many gods and goddesses.The gods of the Slavs are known primarily from a small number of chronicles and letopises, or not very accurate Christian sermons against paganism.Additionally, more numerous sources in which Slavic theonyms are preserved include names, proper names, place names, folk holidays, and language, including ...
milanvidakovic/siebog-lite - GitHub
Siebog is an enterprise-scale multiagent middleware consisting of the following main modules: Extensible Java EE-based Agent Framework (XJAF): Built using Java EE technologies, XJAF …
The Siebog multiagent middleware | Knowledge-Based Systems
2016年7月1日 · This paper presents Siebog, a software framework and an execution environment for the development of software agents. Built using the standard Java EE and HTML5 technologies, it provides all the benefits of clustered computing on the server, as well as platform-independence on the client.
斯拉夫神话 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
朱瑟伯格 (Juthrbog):温德族(古德国的一个斯拉夫民族)传说中的月亮之神。 谢伯格 (Siebog):爱情与婚姻之神。 赫尔斯 (Hors):冬天的 太阳神。 斯拉夫人相信,赫尔斯代表虚弱和年老的太阳,他被“黑神”打败而死去,但会在冬至这一天复活成为新的神Koleda(意为“圣诞节”)。 亚利洛 (Jarilo):繁衍、植物生长、战争与丰收之神。 斯特利伯格 (Stribog):风与大气天空之神。 珀达伽 (Podaga):气候与渔猎种植之神。 斯瓦洛格(Svarog):火神。 珀列 …
A scalable distributed architecture for client and server
2016年9月16日 · With the automatic clustering and state persistence, Siebog can support thousands of server-side agents, as well as thousands of external devices hosting tens of client-side agents. Performed and presented experiments showed promising results for real life applications of our architecture.