Sieg Heil - 百度百科
Sieg Heil是旧时德国打招呼用语,音标是 [ 'zi:k'hail ],意思是“胜利万岁”,曾被用作 纳粹党 大会的口号。 德意志礼 (Hitlergruß),在二次大战中德文亦称“Deutscher Gruß”(德国式问好),是一种 纳粹党 为展示对元首的忠诚而由罗马式敬礼而改造的敬礼。 中文普遍翻译Heil一字为万岁,而不是意译的健壮。 它参考自意大利 法西斯 支持者的敬礼方法(详见罗马式敬礼)。 德意志礼具体化对希特勒的崇敬。 右手伸直并垂直于胸口,或稍微举起,并加以纳粹口号例如“胜利万岁! …
Nazi salute - Wikipedia
The Nazi salute, also known as the Hitler salute, [a] or the Sieg Heil salute, is a gesture that was used as a greeting in Nazi Germany. The salute is performed by extending the right arm from the shoulder into the air with a straightened hand. Usually, the person offering the salute would say " …
Sieg Heil - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年2月2日 · Sieg Heil became the salute of the Nazi Party in the 1920s. It developed into the Nazi salute, the use of which was later made obligatory to all Germans in the Third Reich. After WWII, the public use of any form of the Hitler salute was criminalized in Germany and Austria. In Germany it is punishable with up to three years in prison. deutscher Gruß
Sieg Heil - ADL
"Sieg Heil" is a German phrase that translates to "Hail Victory." The Nazi Party in Germany adopted the phrase, which became one of its most widely used and notorious slogans (often used to accompany the Nazi salute). As a result, after World War II, white supremacists in Europe, North America, and elsewhere adopted the phrase as well.
SIEG HEIL! Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
1 天前 · The meaning of SIEG HEIL! is hail (to) victory!.
SIEG HEIL Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
hail to victory: a Nazi salute, often accompanied by the raising of the right arm
What Does Sieg Heils Mean? | The Word Counter
2021年5月21日 · Overall, the term sieg heil is a German phrase that means hail to victory. This phrase was first used by the Nazi party as a Nazi slogan in Germany during World War II and the Holocaust. This phrase is associated with the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler, the Holocasut, and white supremacy, and should never be used in common speech.
Sieg Heil - 搜狗百科
2023年4月25日 · 希特勒自己则喜好称呼为“我的元首万岁!”(Heil, mein Führer!)或简单的“万岁! ”(Heil!)。 “胜利万岁! ”(Sieg Heil!)是另一常用于纳粹党大会的口号,特别在 希特勒发表演说后。 口号会重复三次惯常地组成“Sieg...Heil! Sieg...Heil!”。 希特勒常常使用 纳粹礼,当他回敬时会用另一个修改版本, 手臂由肘向后弯,手心向肩膀弯。 1944年 7月20日密谋案4日后,军方用 纳粹礼取缔了标准 军礼。 在此之前, 纳粹礼并非是 必须的,虽然习惯上会回敬纳粹礼。 不 …
Sieg Heil: meaning, translation - WordSense
What does Sieg Heil mean? From German Sieg ("victory") + Heil ("hail"), a common chant at political rallies in Nazi Germany, meaning roughly "Hail Victory!" The greeting Sieg Heil, used in the Third Reich during the Nazi era and by neo-Nazis today. "Ti-to! Ti-to!" has exactly the same rhythm and resonance as "Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!"
"Sieg Heil": The Story of the Nazi Salute with Roots in American ...
Ernst Hanfstaengl (1887-1975), an early supporter of Adolf Hitler who later turned against the Nazis, claimed that the Nazi battle cry “Sieg Heil” was actually stolen from Harvard. What evidence did Hanfstaengl use to make his case, and how convincing is his assertion?
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