syngo.CT Neuro DSA - Siemens Healthineers
syngo.CT Neuro DSA (Digital Subtraction Angiography) is a dedicated post-processing application, which allows the removal of bone structures from CT-Angiography (CTA) data sets for improved visualization of the cerebral vasculature.
Gridscale X Dynamic Security Assessment - Siemens Global
Gridscale X Dynamic Security Assessment, formerly know as SIGUARD® DSA, is the transmission dynamic stability assessment software for real-time and operational planning use. It serves to increase situational awareness and prevent blackouts.
syngo iFlow - Siemens Healthineers
First to market in 2009, syngo iFlow provides the visualization of a complete DSA run in a color-coded single image at the press of a button. It is possible to calculate and display flow curves for single pixel markers.
syngo DynaCT - Siemens Healthineers USA
syngo DynaCT improves patient outcomes by providing information not apparent in DSA, and allows users to broaden their procedure scope. Being perceived in the past as more suitable for expert users, the new PURE ® platform now makes it easier for all users to achieve consistent high-quality results.
一文盘点全线DSA产品:西门子医疗篇 - 百家号
2023年10月23日 · 西门子DSA,通过一系列独创的高灵活度机架,先进的成像技术、辅助定位和导航系统,为患者提供兼具精确性和可靠性的图像引导治疗,更为重要的是还为每一台设备配置高清低剂量平台,以确保术中的医患安全。 目前,在国内获得NMPA批准,且正在线上的共包括六个系列,具体如下: 2023年4月,西门子医疗搭载全新CLEAR MAX影像平台Q系列升级问世:Artis Q MAX系列,涵盖ceiling、 floor 、biplane三种机型,全系列配备平板灯丝万转球管、全16bit水 …
JNIS中文版丨邓剑平教授导读:4D-DSA在脊髓血管畸形诊治中应 …
2021年2月19日 · 应用西门子双C造影机行脊髓血管造影((Siemens Artis Q biplane, Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim,Germany)),将5F造影管置于参与畸形供血的节段动脉开口处,选取“12s DSA Dyna4D Neuro”模式,视野为48cm,行两次旋转成像,一次不注射造影剂,一次注射造影剂。
西门子第三代Artis Zee Ceiling数字减影血管造影机(DSA) 诊疗 …
此款dsa具有以下特点: 1、高清成像:具备先进的智能化透视图像处理技术,使之高清成像、辐射剂量低。 对心血管介入的动态图像、神经血管的细小病变均清晰呈现,利于医生获得精准、细腻的诊断信息,让血管造影系统真正进入“绿色”时代。
Gridscale X Dynamic Security Assessment - Siemens ... - Siemens …
Gridscale X Dynamic Security Assessment, the fully automated and integrated stability assessment solution increases the situational awareness in the control room. It enables fast …
德国西门子双向平板检测器心血管造影及介入系统(DSA)_北京儿 …
西门子DSA机(AXIOM Artis dBA Detector System)作为世界顶尖的大型影像设备,具有采集速度快、图像清晰、可进行旋转DSA、步进跟踪造影等功能,适用于心脏和全身各
syngo® Neuro DSA | PEPconnect - pep.siemens-info.com
syngo® Neuro DSA Computed Tomography 1. From the Patient Browser, load an appropriate thin slice CTA data set into the Neuro DSA application. Then, select the corresponding non-contrasted thin slice data set and double- click to load into Neuro DSA as well.
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