Sien Hu - Google Scholar
Yale University - Cited by 3,048 - Cognitive Psychology - Cognitive Neuroscience
Sien Hu | SUNY Oswego
Sien Hu is a cognitive psychologist and a cognitive neuroscientist. She studied motor movements and how learning mechanisms affect the execution and transfer of movements. She then expanded her horizon to neuroimaging and used fMRI to study executive control.
Sien HU | Associate Research Scientist | Ph.D | Yale University, CT ...
Sien HU, Associate Research Scientist | Cited by 2,040 | of Yale University, CT (YU) | Read 52 publications | Contact Sien HU
Faculty profile | Psychology
Sien Hu is a cognitive psychologist and a cognitive neuroscientist. She studied motor movements and how learning mechanisms affect the execution and transfer of movements.
Sien Hu at SUNY Oswego | Rate My Professors
Sien Hu is a professor in the Psychology department at SUNY Oswego - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Sien Hu - Associate Professor - State University of New York
Associate Professor at SUNY Oswego · Experience: State University of New York at Oswego · Education: University of California, Irvine · Location: Oswego County · 52 connections on LinkedIn. View...
Sien Hu - Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar profile for Sien Hu, with 74 highly influential citations and 58 scientific research papers.
Loop | Sien Hu
Showcase your career and increase your impact by adding your brief bio now. Hemispheric lateralization of resting-state functional connectivity of the ventral striatum: an exploratory study.
胡乃七 / SIEN HU - Facebook
胡乃七 / SIEN HU. 16,197 likes · 12 talking about this. - SIEN / 乃七 - 1995年生,台南人。 -憂鬱症患者,擁有一個溫暖與憂鬱並存的人格。 -合作案請用E-mail聯絡,謝謝你。 -合作請洽 :[email protected]
Hu, Sien_Hu, Sien简介_Hu, Sien论文-论论 - lunlunapp.com
Hu, Sien,现任职于耶鲁大学,曾任职于奥斯维戈州立大学机构,个人H指数为25,累计发表论文52篇,论文总被引数累计1670次,主要研究方向涵盖神经学、医学、药理学,毒理学和药剂学、综合性学科等领域,在Brain、Biological Psychiatry和Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive ...