Sien Sovv - Wookieepedia | Fandom
Sien Sovv was the male Sullustan Supreme Commander of the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic and later the Galactic Alliance Defense Force from roughly 23 ABY to 29 ABY, commanding the...
Sien Sovv | Thrawn's Revenge Wiki - Fandom
Sien Sovv is an Admiral in the New Republic Navy. He serves as part of the New Republic's Naval Command Staff. Born to a large family on Sullust, Sien Sovv joined the New Republic Defense Force and acquired a reputation as an excellent organizer. He took charge of First Fleet elements to defend his homeworld from Sander Delvardus.
【星球大战帝国战争-索龙的复仇】特色系统讲解:新共和国——舰 …
2022年9月2日 · 西恩·索夫是一位苏鲁斯特人,也是新共较为重要的将领之一。 他带领着第一舰队的一些力量防御他的家乡苏鲁斯特,保护家乡不受埃里阿杜管理局的攻击。 在费利亚当选为新共议长之后,他被推举为新共舰队的最高指挥官。 西恩·索夫作为指挥官大放异彩则是在遇战疯人战争期间。 那个时候,他身为银河同盟防御部队最高指挥官,军衔为上将。 但是作为新共舰队指挥官,索夫的指挥等级III和防御性加成确实和前面的阿克巴、南茨等人比起来就有点拉胯了。 然 …
Battle of Ebaq | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Battle of Ebaq, also known as the Battle of Ebaq 9, was a major battle between the scattered New Republic, aided by the Jedi Order, Smugglers' Alliance, and Lumiya's Sith cult against the Yuuzhan Vong, considered the turning point of the war in favor of the New Republic.
遇战疯人战争简史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
【作者按】本文可以被看成是对系列科幻小说《星球大战:新绝地武士团》(New Jedi Order)的剧情梗概。 《新绝地武士团》系列从1999年出版至2003年,共有19本长篇小说,是目前篇幅最长的《星球大战》小说系列。 一、战争的起因. 战争是政治的延续,而作为上层建筑的政治,又取决于经济基础。 所以,任何一场战争爆发的根本原因都是经济矛盾,惨烈的遇战疯人战争也不例外。 遇战疯星系历经沉默团-憎恨者战争和克雷姆列维亚战争后,生灵涂炭、满目疮痍,一片废墟 …
Sien Sovv | Jedipedia - Fandom
Sien Sovv war Oberbefehlshaber der Flotte der Neuen Republik und später der Galaktischen Allianz während der Invasion der Yuuzhan Vong und in der darauffolgenden Wiederaufbauzeit. Anfangs wegen der vielen Misserfolge seiner Flotte kritisiert, konnte er nach Erfolgen wie bei Ebaq 9 die Galaktische Allianz mit der Unterstützung der Jedi unter ...
Lets Talk Strategy: The Vong War : r/MawInstallation - Reddit
2021年4月20日 · Sien Sovv fought during the Galactic Civil War, and when Imperial Warlord Sander Delvardus mounted a sudden offensive, it was Sovv's bold counterattack that one the day. He was well known as a bold and brash commander, who was competent at supply management and well liked among his soldiers.
Sien Sovv - Star Wars ReExpanded
When Sarcev Quest advised Superior General Sander Delvardus to attack Sullust as part of his ploy to fight a series of losing battles before retreating into the Deep Core, Quest assumed that Sien Sovv, stationed nearby with the New Republic First Fleet, would do everything in his power to defend Sullust based on his psychological profile.
Lets Talk Strategy: The Vong War : r/TheJediArchives - Reddit
2023年5月3日 · Had the New Republic military leader, Admiral Sien Sovv, moved reserve fleets to the area the war would've been over before it started. Stage 3: Kick Ass and Take Names - …
Sien Sovv | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom
Sien Sovv era el Comandante Supremo sullustano de la Fuerza de Defensa de la Nueva República/Alianza Galáctica desde aproximadamente el 23 DBY hasta el 29 DBY, comandando a la Fuerza de Defensa…
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