SIG MKMO - Wikipedia
The SIG MKMO is a submachine gun produced by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft (SIG) company in Neuhausen from 1933 to 1937. The MKMO – M = Maschinen, K = Karabiner M = Militär, O = Oben (Top ejection) – was designed for the military and to increase firepower it had a larger-capacity magazine as well as a longer barrel.
SIG MKMS短機関銃 - Wikipedia
SIG MKMSは、1934年にスイスで開発された短機関銃である。名称は「軍用自動カービン、側面排莢型」(Maschinenkarabiner für Militär, Hülsenauswurf seitlich)を略したものである。
SIG MKMS - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in …
SIG MKPS - 9x25mm Mauser In the early thirties, the Schweizerishe Industrie-Gesellshaft (SIG) company in Neuhausen designed a family of submachine guns. A military version, the MKMO (Maschinen Karbiner Militärmodell Oben), was first introduced in 1933, followed by a short-barreled police version, the MKPO .
SIG MKPS MKMS - Modern Firearms
The MKMS submachine gun was developed by Schweizerishe Industrie-Gesellshaft (SIG) company in Neuhausen during early thirties, and first introduced in 1933. It was a military-type weapon in which designers sought to increase infantry firepower by using long barrels (about 2 times longer than in most contemporary submachine guns) and large ...
SIG MKMS - Military Wiki | Fandom
The SIG MKMS was sub-machine gun designed by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft (SIG) company in Neuhausen during the early 1930s and was first introduced in 1933. It was designed for the military and to increase firepower it had a larger capacity magazine as well as a longer barrel, one that would be more common on an assault rifle.
如何评价索米冲锋枪? - 知乎
下图是苏联在1941年12月对几款冲锋枪的精度测试,测量ppd-40、ppsh-41、kp-31、bmp-34、mp-18或mp-28、sig mkms在100米距离上单发和连发的全部弹着点散布半径(r100)、半数最精准弹着点散布半径(r50)以及散布中心与瞄准点的相对位置:
SIG MKMO | Gun Wiki - Fandom
The MKMO (Maschinen Karabiner Militär Oben, lit. "Top-ejecting military machine carbine") was a Swiss submachine gun that was designed by Jakob Gaetzi, Gotthard End and Pál Király in 1933 and produced by SIG from 1934 to 1942. The MKMO was a joint collaboration between SIG designers Jakob Gaetzi...
启拉利把mkms上应用的杠杆延迟后座原理、可折叠的弹匣、三种模式的射击选择扳手都用了他的新设计上。 这款新枪被推荐给英国军方,伯明翰军械厂对其进行了测试,尽管启拉利按照要求进行了结构简化,但最终未能打动英国军方。
SIG MKMO – Wikipedia
Die SIG MKMO ist eine schweizerische Maschinenpistole, die in den 1930er-Jahren von der Schweizerischen Industrie-Gesellschaft in Neuhausen entwickelt wurde. Aufgrund der Lauf- und Gesamtlänge der Waffe wurde sie als Karabiner bezeichnet, obwohl sie einschließlich aller Varianten ausschließlich Pistolenmunition verschießt.
SIG MKMS - FirearmCentral Wiki
The SIG MKMS is a Swiss submachine gun developed in 1935 from the MKMO submachine gun. SIG MKMO Original model for military use. SIG MKPO Original model for police use.
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