Esoteric insignia of the Schutzstaffel - Wikipedia
The esoteric insignia of the Schutzstaffel or SS runes (German: SS-Runen) were a collection of pseudo-runes for Nazi occultism-purposes, used by the Schutzstaffel (SS) from the 1920s to 1945; featured on flags, uniforms and other items as symbols of various aspects of Nazi ideology and Germanic mysticism.
Sowilō (rune) - Wikipedia
Sowilo (* sōwilō), meaning "sun", is the reconstructed Proto-Germanic language name of the s - rune (ᛊ, ᛋ). The letter is a direct adoption of Old Italic (Etruscan or Latin) s (𐌔), ultimately from Greek sigma (Σ). It is present in the earliest inscriptions of the 2nd to 3rd century (Vimose, Kovel).
Siegrune – Wikipedia
Die Siegrune oder Sigrune ist ein Zeichen der völkischen Bewegung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Das Zeichen ähnelt der sechzehnten Rune Sowilo des älteren Futharks und der zwölften Rune des aus 16 Runen bestehenden jüngeren Futharks. Die Form der Rune entspricht einem lateinischen S, umgeformt in drei gerade Striche.
The Sig, Sol, or Sun Rune - Gnostic Studies
The Sig-Rune is the Rune that ‘gives Victory’ [Sieg verleiht ], in other words, subdues the enemy, makes him “sick” (wounded): without power and without force. The Victor has the Upper-Hand, and thus is the Superior, while the “Sick-One” is the Inferior, the Forceless, the Low-Sunken.
Norse Rune Symbols and the Third Reich - Viking Rune
In Nazi Germany Sig or Siegesrune (Rune of victory) was the most recognizable and popular symbol after Hakenkreuz (swastika). SS-runes insignia with two oblique Sig runes were created in 1933 by graphic designer Walter Heck.
Sigrun - Metapedia
Sigrun or Sig rune, also Sol or Sigel rune (German: Sigrune, Sig-Rune or Siegrune) is a Germanic rune and can be equated with the Sowilo rune of the Elder Futhark (16th rune), not the first form, a "Σ shape" (four strokes), but the second form with an "S shape" (three strokes), more prevalent in later (5th to 7th century) inscriptions, with ...
Esoteric insignia of the Schutzstaffel - Wikiwand
The sig rune (or Siegrune) symbolised victory (Sieg). The names of the ᛋ-rune (on which the Siegrune was based) translate as "sun", however, von List reinterpreted it as a victory sign when he compiled his list of "Armanen runes". [2]
Runic insignia of the Schutzstaffel | Military Wiki | Fandom
The sig rune (or Siegrune) symbolised victory (sieg). In its original form as the ᛋ -rune of the Younger Futhark , it represented the sun; however, von List reinterpreted it as a victory sign when he compiled his list of " Armanen runes " .
Sig — Metapedia
Sig est une rune du futhark armaniste de Guido von List inspirée de celle de l’ancien futhark symbolisant le soleil. À l’origine, peut-être au IIème siècle, cette rune avait la forme du sigma grec et était nommée sol en vieux norvégien, sôwilô en vieil allemand et sigel en anglo-saxon. À partir du Vème siècle, dans le jeune ...
Norse Mythology and Nazi Propaganda – The Cross Section
2017年9月6日 · The second commonly recognized symbol prominent in these posters is the Norse sig rune, which was used as the letter “S” in many runic inscriptions. Instead, in 1931, graphic designer and SS-Sturmführer Walter Heck, while employed by a badge-manufacturing firm, drew two sig-runes side by side.