XM7 rifle - Wikipedia
The XM7, previously designated as the XM5, is the U.S. Army variant of the SIG MCX Spear, a 6.8×51mm (.277 in), gas-operated, magazine-fed assault rifle [1] designed by SIG Sauer for the Next Generation Squad Weapon program in 2022 to replace the M4 carbine.
SIG MCX-SPEAR FEATURES: Civilian version of the U.S. Army’s new XM7 rifle; Available in 7.62x51 and coming soon in 277 SIG FURY; Non-reciprocating side and rear charging handle for maximum flexibility in shooting position; Fully ambidextrous controls including bolt …
XM7突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
XM7 (前稱: XM5)是 SIG MCX Spear突擊步槍 的 美國陸軍 衍生型,發射.277 Fury (英语:.277 Fury) (6.8×51毫米)口徑子彈 [1][8]。 它是由 西格&紹爾 (SIG Sauer)於2022年為了參與“ 下一代班用武器計劃 (英语:Next Generation Squad Weapon Program) ”(Next Generation Squad Weapon Program,NGSW)而研發,目的是取代現役的 M4卡賓槍。 XM7具備一條加強的自由浮動 M-LOK 護木 以供用戶安裝各種配件。 2019年1月,美國陸軍展開“下一 …
XM7突擊步槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
XM7 (前稱: XM5)是 SIG MCX Spear突擊步槍 的 美國陸軍 衍生型,發射.277 Fury (英語:.277 Fury) (6.8×51公釐)口徑子彈 [1][8]。 它是由 西格&紹爾 (SIG Sauer)於2022年為了參與「下一代班用武器計劃 (英語:Next Generation Squad Weapon Program)」(Next Generation Squad Weapon Program,NGSW)而研發,目的是取代現役的 M4卡賓槍。 XM7具備一條加強的自由浮動 M-LOK 護木 以供使用者安裝各種配件。 2019年1月,美國陸軍展開「下 …
SIG MCX-SPEAR FEATURES: Civilian model based on U.S. Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) XM7 Rifle ; Ambidextrous Bolt/Catch Release; 2-Stage Match Trigger ; Non-Reciprocating Side Charging Handle ; Steel Rear Charging Handle; Push-Button Folding/Telescoping Magpul SL-M Stock; Free-Floating M-LOK Handguard with Easily Adjustable 2 ...
SIG MCX Spear - Wikipedia
The SIG MCX Spear (stylized as MCX-SPEAR) is a multi-caliber rifle developed by the American division of SIG Sauer from the SIG MCX series of carbines. The SIG MCX Spear is primarily chambered in .277 SIG FURY but can be adapted to 7.62×51mm NATO and 6.5mm Creedmoor with a barrel change.
Sig Sauer MCX-Spear Next-Gen Semi-Auto Rifle - Cabela's
Shop for Sig Sauer MCX-Spear Next-Gen Semi-Auto Rifle at Cabela’s, your trusted source for quality outdoor sporting goods. With our low price guarantee, we strive to offer the lowest everyday prices on the best brands and latest gear.
轻武器|目前最火的民用步枪,SIG MCX-SPEAR民用步枪!
2023年3月31日 · MCX-SPEAR步枪是西格-绍尔公司基于美国陆军下一代班组武器XM7步枪开发的民用型步枪,MCX-SPEAR民用型步枪有7.62x51毫米和6.5 CM两种弹药,未来会推出6.8X51毫米弹药版本(此版本为美陆军采用的代替目前5.56毫米的弹药),枪管可以进行互换方便对应不同弹药口径的快速转换。 MCX-SPEAR民用型步枪分为三个版本,分别为RSPEAR-762-13B-SBR (带枪托,330毫米枪管)、RSPEAR-762-13B(不带枪托,330毫米枪管)、RSPEAR-762-16B( …
XM7 NGSW-R MCX Spear - Army Recognition
2024年12月5日 · The XM7 assault rifle, previously known as the XM5 is the United States Army variant of the SIG MCX Spear, a 6.8×51mm (.277 in), gas-operated, magazine-fed, assault rifle designed by firearms manufacturer SIG Sauer for the Next Generation Squad Weapon Program in 2022 to replace the U.S. army M4 carbine.
New: SIG Sauer MCX Spear Consumer Variant of the Army's XM7 …
2023年3月1日 · The Sig Sauer MCX Spear is a multi-caliber platform that can swap between .277 Fury, 6.5 Creedmoor, and 7.62 NATO via a simple barrel change at the user level.