Sigma-9 "Valkyries" - Task Force Wiki
Mobile Task Force Sigma-9, codenamed "Valkyries," is the SCP Foundation's elite aerial task force. Acting as the Foundation's miniature air force, Sigma-9 provides critical support to ground operations through close air support, aerial reconnaissance, and the neutralization of …
Sigma-9 中分版式中心 - SCP基金会
2024年10月22日 · 版式:SCP 解密. 用于 SCP 解密文章的版式,还原了 r/SCPDeclassified 子版的设计风格。
Sigma-9 版式中心 - SCP基金会
2024年9月16日 · 一个美学 Sigma-9 版式,设计以模仿玄武岩即将到来的大型更新的外观与感觉。
SCP 档案 Sigma-9 版式 - SCP基金会
这是一个基于 SCP 档案 黑色标记笔 CSS 版式的 Sigma-9 版式。 该版式预期会应用在被 SCP 基金会归档的文章中。 你可以通过点击页面底部的 “+ 选项”,随后点击“反向链接”查看任意页面的反向链接。 可通过五个连字符“ ----- ”创建水平分割线。 若它未被放在其他部件(诸如引用块)中,则会左右延伸贯穿页面。 这种将文件分割为多个部分的线就是分割线。 标题可通过在一行字起始处输入 1 至 6 个加号“+”来创建。 此为分页(tab view)。 看,这有更多文字。 多么精巧绝伦。 …
Sigma-9 "Valkyries" - SCP: Roleplay Wiki
Mobile Task Force unit Sigma-9 "Valkyries" (also known as Σ-9) was one of two Mobile Task Force units in SCP: Roleplay prior to Update 2, being the upgraded version of Nu-7 "Hammer Down" [1], however it has since been removed and replaced with Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" and the rest of the subdivisions.
Sigma Themes - SCP Foundation
2025年2月14日 · This is a (relatively) exhaustive list of all site themes based on Sigma-10 — the Wiki's main theme — sorted alphabetically by author. Hover over any image to view its blurb. Each one explains (relatively) what the theme is for. Or, click the image to proceed to its theme page and use it directly.
Mobile Task Force Sigma-9 "Valkyries" - SCPOneCanonProject Wiki
Mobile Task Force Sigma 9, codenamed "Valkyries", is a miniature air force designed to provide air support for the SCP Foundation's ground operations or combat against aerial anomalies in the Scandinavia sub region. MTF Σ 9 has been involved in the containment of several SCPs of Norse origins, such as SCP-526, SCP-1262, and SCP-2069.
Sigma-9 Theme - SCP Foundation
2022年7月1日 · This is a sexy box. Yes, this is a real class offered by Sigma-9! It can be created using the following code:
Sigma 9
This is where Sigma 9 theme files are maintained in production for SCP-CN. Whenever new releases are published, our CI system compiles and minifies them and hosts them here. If you're here wondering about the theme itself, see its main component page .
Valkyrie - The Red Lake Wiki
2024年12月12日 · Mobile Task Force Σ-9 (Sigma-9), known as the Valkyries is a small unit that provides air support for ground operations and combat against aerial anomalies. S-9 has been sent to Area-354 to assist on-site personnel with the defense against and containment of SCP-354 by calling in airdrops, bombing runs and recon of up to 20 enemies ...