Coordinated Universal Time WS SIGMET A SIGMET provides concise information issued by a Meteorological Watch Ofice (MWO) concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence of specific en-route weather and other phenomena in the atmosphere that may af. ect the safety of aircraft operations. The WS SIGMET provides information on phenomena other t.
There are three SIGMET types. Structural icing on wings and control surfaces increases aircraft weight, degrades lift, generates false instrument readings and compromises aircraft control. Can also enter engines and damage blades.
GFA: SIGMETs - Aviation Weather Center
2025年3月18日 · GFA provides a complete picture of weather that may impact flights in the United States and beyond
Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
CAT is a higher altitude turbulence (normally above 15,000 ft) particularly between the core of a jet stream and the surrounding air. This includes turbulence in cirrus clouds, within and in the vicinity of standing lenticular clouds and, in some cases, …
7.3 SIGMET 정보(SIGMET information) / 항공기상업무지침
2017年10月22日 · SIGMET 정보는 항공기 안전운항에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 기상현상의 시ㆍ공간적인 변화 에 대하여, 발생하거나 발생이 예상 될 때, 국제적으로 합의된 약어를 사용하여 서술하는 것이다. SIGMET은 기상감시소 (Meteorological Watch Office)역할을 수행하는 항공기상청에서 발표 한다. 발표한다. 다만 화산재와 태풍에 대한 SIGMET은 사전에 경고하기 위해서 발생예상시간. 으로부터 12시간 이내에 발표 한다. SIGMET의 유효시간은 4시간을 초과하지 …
SIGMET explanation - IVAO Documentation Library
A SIGMET (Significant Meteorological Information) is a meteorological report issued by a meteorological watch office that gives a description in abbreviated plain language of the occurrence and/or expected occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena, which may affect the safety of aircraft operations and the development of those phenomena...
SIGMET - Wikipedia
SIGMET, [1] or Significant Meteorological Information (AIM 7-1-6), [2] is a severe weather advisory that contains meteorological information concerning the safety of all aircraft. Compared to AIRMETs, SIGMETs cover more severe weather. Today, according to the advancement of technology in civil aviation, the SIGMET is sent as IWXXM model. [3]
The main purpose of this regional SIGMET guide is to provide guidance for standardization and harmonization of the procedures and formats related to the preparation and issuance of aeronautical meteorological information pertaining to specified en-route hazardous weather, and other phenomena in the atmosphere, which may affect safety of aircraft...
AIRMET 和 SIGNMET:飞行员需要了解的内容 #1 Ultimate
另一方面,SIGMET(重要气象信息)是针对可能影响所有类型飞机(包括商用飞机)的潜在危险天气条件的天气报告。 AIRMET 和 SIGMET 都是飞行员工具箱中必不可少的工具。
SIGMET和不规则报文解读报告 - 豆丁网
N45E110 N45E118 N35E118 N35E110 N45E110 SYNOPSIS. COLD FRONT N43E117 N38E112 MOV E 20KT INTSF SIGWX AND ASSOCIATED CLD. ISOL EMBD CB TOP FL340 N45E118 N36E114 N37E110 N44E115 N45E118 TURB. MOD CAT FL250 TO FL340 N40E112 N41E117 N39E117 N38E112 N40E112 台风报 WCCI33 ZBAA 251545 ZBPE SIGMET 3 VALID 251600/252200 ZBAA –