Are Sika deer good eating? - Texas Hunting Forum
2009年11月18日 · The importance of good tasting deer meat lies more with the meat preparation then with the specie of deer. Any meat can taste good if cooked correctly. I had sika before and it was better then whitetail.
Sika - What is considered trophy caliber? - Texas Hunting Forum
the way they score them in North America for SCI is not a level playing field. a Jap sika (look at Maryland sika deer) are a very small deer and will top out around 100 lbs and will have antlers proportionate to their bodies. most are just a 3x3. the dybowski are bigger, whitetail sized animals and the Manchurians can get 250+ lbs.
When do sika deer shed their velvet? - Texas Hunting Forum
2011年5月3日 · Sika drop a little later than whitetails, but they should have dropped by now. Depends on a lot of factors - but they should regrow antlers in around 140 days - so September they should be fully grown and most should have all the velvet gone.
Are Sika good eating? - Texas Hunting Forum
I've only shot one, and it was an older bull. On the same trip, my wife took a couple of axis does. While each tasted different and axis is by far the best, the Sika was Delicious!!!! Reminded me of elk more then anything else. If the opportunity happens, I'd shot sika deer over whitetail for eating without thinking twice about it.
Sika doe vs Axis doe, better taste poll - Texas Hunting Forum
2013年1月15日 · Some folks really like elk, and prefer that taste over beef. Those folks would certainly choose Sika over Axis. Elk (Sika) is some excellent meat, and even though I prefer Axis over Sika - both Elk and Sika (and red deer) are far superior to whitetail for the only reason that whitetail have more of a "gamey" flavor.
Sika question????? - Texas Hunting Forum
I wanted the Japanese Sika because I like the smaller size, and I like that it's totally different then my Red Deer, or anything else that I have on the wall. When looking at different hunts, I saw a lot of Sika/Red Deer crosses being offered as pure sika deer, and one guy had young Red Deer pictures being offered as world class Sika Deer.
Axis deer Crossbreeding - Texas Hunting Forum
2014年12月8日 · The red deer, Sika, are all part of the elk family. They can cross bred fairly easily and lots of documented hybrids. Re: Axis deer Crossbreeding [ Re: Kobus ] #5462999 12/07/14 08:13 PM
Sika Deer Questions - Texas Hunting Forum
2011年11月5日 · Sika Deer Questions #2714671 11/02/11 04:23 PM: Joined: Jun 2011. Posts: 73. L-San Antonio H-Rocksprings ...
357 Mag for deer - Texas Hunting Forum
2021年12月6日 · Handgun I have only killed 2 deer with a 4 inch Ruger Security 6 at between 20 and 25 yards. The 150 gr hp was under the skin on the far side and the 180gr Partition exited about same place, both deer ran about 50 to 60 yards after double lung shots.
Where do you find Axis Deer? - Texas Hunting Forum
2009年4月28日 · Most of the popular places are in the Hill Country around Kerrville, Junction, Sonora, San Angelo, Eden, Lampasas, Brownwood, Leakey. I have hunted in those areas before for free range before. You will commononly find, Aoudad, Sika, Fallow, Blackbuck, and Axis deer free ranging in Texas.