岛津发布新品高通量自动进样器SIL-30ACMP | 岛津中国
SIL-30ACMP自动进样器与SIL-30AC一样具有低交叉污染、进样重现性优异等卓越的基本性能,并且支持多样品分析。 在3块样品架上最多可以放置6块样品板,可以一次连续分析2304个样品(384孔板)或324个样品(1.5mL样品瓶用样品板)。 此外,3块样品架上可以放置不同类型的样品板,从而实现更为灵活的分析。 例如,可以使用1.5mL样品瓶分析控制样品,同时使用微孔板分析未知样品。 CTO-30AS 柱温箱安装在SIL-30ACMP的侧面,以节省系统空间,可调节高度 …
The total-volume injection SIL-30AC autosampler features a pressure tolerance of 130 MPa as well as the world’s fastest sample injection (10 seconds), which dramatically reduces the total cycle time. It includes auto pretreatment and overlapping functions as standard, and an optional loop-injection method configuration to minimize delay volume.
SIL-30AC SIL-30ACMP 7 6 2 3 12 8 9 1 Suction Filter Assembly (not shown) 228-45708-91 Suction Filter (no tubing) (not shown) 228-45707-91 2 LPV Stator 228-51663-01 3 LPV Rotor 228-51922-00 4 Metering Pump Seal 228-35145-00 5 Metering Pump Plunger Assembly 228-35010-91 6 HPV Stator Assembly 228-48858-95 ...
SIL-30ACMP Datasheet - Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.
The SIL-30ACMP achieves an ultrafast injection performance exceeding that of current models while maintaining ultralow carryover performance. In addition, up to 6 microtiter plates can be loaded, enabling a maximum of 2304 samples to be analyzed continuously.
Shimadzu Nexera MP SIL-30ACMP Thermostatted Multi-Plate Autosampler
The SIL-30ACMP autosampler is a high capacity, ultra-fast injector ideal for an MS front end. Many laboratories in areas such as R&D, pharmacokinetics, pain management, and contract labs are striving for increased sample throughput.
2022年5月9日 · Mixtures of water or a buffer solution with an organic solvent. Organic solvent composition ratio: 20 % to 50 % (V/V). (For the organic solvent, use acetonitrile, methanol, or ethanol.) *1) Mounting 228-50390 on the SIL-20AHT/20ACHT (including UFLC) prevents the sample from scattering.
HPLCインジェクタ : 分析計測機器(分析装置) 島津製作所
微量注入からコンベンショナルで使用される数十μLオーダーまで,幅広い注入範囲でリニアリティを実現しています。 1μL以下の微量注入量においても優れた再現性(0.5μl注入で1%以下,1μl注入で0.5%以下)を提供します。 ⇒ オートサンプラ選択のための 比較表 です。 目的に最適なものをお選び下さい。 ⇒ 関連製品 Nexera MPのご紹介.
岛津 SIL-30ACMP - 仪器谱 - 分析测试百科网
SIL-30ACMP高通量自动进样器作为NexeraTM LC-30A超高效液相色谱仪的新成员,与SIL-30AC一样具有极低交叉污染 (<0.0015%)、优异的进样重现性 (≦0.2% RSD)等卓越的基本性能,并且支持多样品分析。 在3块样品架上zei多可以放置6块样品板,一次连续分析2304个样品。 此外,3块样品架上可以放置不同类型的样品板,从而实现更为灵活的分析序列设定。 例如,可以使用1.5mL样品瓶架分析控制样品,同时使用微孔板分析未知样品。 另可选配CTO-30AS小型柱温箱,安装 …
LPV Rotor, SIL-30AC, SIL-30ACMP, Comparable to OEM - Sciencix
SIL-30AC and SIL-30ACMP: Specifications. Sciencix Part # 11-4180: Comp. to OEM # 228-51922-00: Secure Checkout. TLS 1.2+ Encryption. location. Business & Customer Relations HQ. 110 Brady Court Cary, NC 27511 USA United States. location. Research & Engineering Lab HQ. 14261 West Burnsville Parkway Burnsville, MN 55306 United States.
Sample Loop, 50uL, SIL-30ACMP - store.shimadzu.com
Standard 5µuL sample loop for the SIL-30ACMP. Includes fittings. You are not allowed to see prices or add to cart. Please sign in, in order to start your order. All rights reserved.
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