GitHub - vectorgrp/sil-kit: Vector SIL Kit – Open-Source Library …
The Vector SIL Kit is an open-source library for connecting Software-in-the-Loop Environments. This README is intended to provide you with quick start on how to build the Vector SIL Kit.
Vector SIL Kit Overview — Vector SIL Kit 4.0.55 documentation
The SIL Kit provides means to simulate CAN / CAN FD, Ethernet, FlexRay, and LIN networks. All networks except for FlexRay can be simulated with two different levels of detail: a simple, functional simulation or a detailed simulation.
Vector SIL Kit
The Vector SIL Kit is a versatile library for software testing and simulation in the development of embedded systems. It enables seamless communication between various test tools and virtual components over a TCP/IP network, translating service calls into network messages.
- [PDF]
Vector SIL Kit
SIL Kit is an open-source library that can be used by any tool or software application. In particular, SIL Kit does not... ... interpret nor convert message payload; it only routes them. ... provide any automatic configuration capabilities. ... provide a particular execution environment (such as ARA::COM, OSEK).
Releases · vectorgrp/sil-kit - GitHub
Overhaul of SIL Kit demos. Restructured into categories communication, api and tools. Communication demos: Can, Ethernet, Lin, Flexray, PubSub and Rpc demos. These demos are split into one participant per executable; Basic SIL Kit features are implemented in a base class used by the demos
sil-kit/README.rst at main · vectorgrp/sil-kit - GitHub
The Vector SIL Kit is an open-source library for connecting Software-in-the-Loop Environments. This README is intended to provide you with quick start on how to build the Vector SIL Kit.
User Guide — Vector SIL Kit 4.0.55 documentation - GitHub Pages
SIL Kit supports TCP/IP and Unix Domain Socket network types. When joining a simulation, new participants will first open a publically visible listening socket. Then, it connects to the SIL Kit Registry and tells it its connection information (especially the port number of the just opened listening socket).
Developer Guide — Vector SIL Kit 4.0.55 documentation - GitHub …
The following sections explain, how to consume the Vector SIL Kit library in your own application and how to use the SIL Kit API to communicate with other participants of a simulation. Precompiled SIL Kit packages are regularly released on …
Vector开源的SIL套件可与任何其他使用SIL套件的工具进行协同仿 …
2022年8月30日 · Vector提供的SIL套件是一个开源库,可将被测系统(SUT)连接到不同开发阶段所需要的各种抽象级别的模拟器、测试工具或模型,从而实现分布式仿真及测试。SIL套件的开放架构及其稳定的接口为独立于工具供应商的互操作性提供了标准。即使多个供应商的仿真或 ...
整车E/E虚拟模型的互联神器之SiL Kit中间件-电子发烧友网
2024年12月5日 · SIL Kit作为高效、灵活、开源的整车E/E虚拟化与SIL“底座”中间件,凭借其强大的跨平台通信能力、时间同步与系统控制功能,以及与第三方工具的无缝对接,已经成为嵌入式系统开发和汽车电子测试领域的核心技术之一。开源SIL Kit能为工程师提供高效、稳定 ...