silicon bronze welding wire - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
2004年3月16日 · The Silicon Bronze should offer good ductility over Phos-Bronze as the Phos-Bronze is more of a Copper/tin allow and seem to work harden easily and are subject to hot cracking. The Si-Br will weld easier than the Ph-Br and should be easy to shape. I have never used a planishing hammer on it but it flows so nice that I would guess you could.
How to weld bronze cast - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
2016年6月11日 · I've got at peice of bronze cast that needs to be welded. I tried DC Tig but the weld was very trashy and it cracked in the center of the weld. I used silicone bronze filler. What's the correct procedure to use. I have a Dynasty 210 DX. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Tig welding Bronze - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
First of all, the OA process is not recommended when welding artistic castings or statuary bronze. You can TIG it with silicon bronze filler. You'll have to preheat to around 500 degrees and run a nice clean root bead. You'll need AC to drive out the junk that is going to be in the casting. 80/20 will be alright for an inverter.
Silcon bronze tig rod - Miller Welding Discussion Forums Aluminum bronze or silicon bronze welding technique is permitted, but extreme care shall be used in preparation of parts before bronze welding and in the design of the attaching joints. Clime into that one and hit a wall at 150+ TJ
TIG welding Brass - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
TIG welding Brass 04-25-2007, 04:46 PM ... i have TIG welded brass (dc), with silicon bronze filler rod ...
TIG silicon bronze on stainless? - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
2011年1月20日 · Nothing welded, Nothing gained Miller Dynasty700DX 3 ea. Miller Dynasty350DX Miller Dynasty200DX ThermalArc 400 GTSW
silicon bronze mig welding - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
2017年4月3日 · silicon bronze mig welding 04-03-2017, 08:02 PM Just picked up a roll of silicon bronze mig wire, .023, to do some experimenting with before I start a project...not a money making project unfortunately...old pickup truck body for a friend of mine.
Tig cast iron - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
2017年11月21日 · I have had great success with aluminum bronze, tig brazed using AC. The cleaning action of AC helps burn the schmoo out. One job I did was a repair on one of my vises a few years back and it's still holding. To me, aluminum bronze flows better, is stronger and more ductile after the repair. And because of the aluminum content, AC really helps.
Tig brazing? - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
2011年5月7日 · Preheat the bronze base plate using the propane burner. Tig weld the joint using silicon bronze tig filler. Weld in small sections, peening the bead and cleaning between welds. Keep the "welded area" small so as to minimize bead cracking as the metal cools.
3 SIB silicon bronze - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
2012年1月30日 · Some silicon bronzes are surprisingly strong. All I'm finding with a Google search is 50ksi tensile but I seem to remember seeing 65ksi tensile for Si Bronze somewhere. I use it with O/A and dip the filler when hot into borax. Works pretty good. IIRC it melts ~ 1600°F