Silox Holding
Silox is 60% owned by Cybelle, a holding company under Belgian law, and 40% by Prayon, the leading European producer of purified phosphoric acid and one of the main players in the field of phosphate salts. Our vision at Silox is for a chemical and non-ferrous metals industry that meets society’s needs without causing harm.
Silox Holding - About us
Silox group, through its subsidiaries JGI and Hydrometal, is a major industrial recycler dealing with a wide range of complex non-ferrous metal-bearing residues, by-products, and secondary materials including components such as zinc, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, germanium, tin, lead, antimony, copper, rare earths and precious metals from old or ...
Innovation - Silox Holding
Our R&D centers essentially focus on the development of new products and innovative processes using, when appropriate, novel technologies. In these centers, we are looking for both incremental and disruptive innovations. Our Centers of Excellence offer hands-on service to our customers to help them optimize the use they make of our products.
Welcome to- Silox-Vadodara
We combine technical innovation and discerning needs of customers to deliver best-in-class Inorganic Chemicals for a wide range of end use segments.
Silox Performance
Silox is the world leader in bleach-reducing agents for mechanical pulp, and vulcanisation activators for technical rubber.
Silox S 4 A : 2,0 mm Ø Stäbe 500 mm lang 3,0 mm Ø Stäbe 500 mm lang Silox R 4 A: 0,8 mm Ø Draht auf Spule D 300 1,0 mm Ø Draht auf Spule D 300 1,2 mm Ø Draht auf Spule D 300 1,6 mm Ø Draht auf Spule D 300 Verarbeitung: Gut geeignet für Cu-Al-Werkstoffe und für Auftragsschweißungen auf ferritischen- perlitischen Stählen und Gusseisen.
Company Profile- Silox-Vadodara - Silox India
Silox S.A is a Joint Venture company between Prayon and Cybelle Groups of Belgium and is a leading producer of Sodium Hydrosulphite in Europe. The company is also known for its expertise in high performance “Active” and specialised grades of Zinc Oxide.
Silox Industry Private Limited - Vadodara
Silox India is the leading manufacturer of ‘Active’ grade Zinc Oxide for rubber applications in India. Active Zinc Oxide that has high surface areas and very low impurity profile, facilitates reduction in dosage up to 40% when compared to normal French process Zinc Oxide.
SILOX - Peruagro
SILOX 80 SL, es un surfactante siliconado no iónico que reduce considerablemente la tensión superficial de la gota de agua al entrar en contacto con la superficie de la hoja, favoreciendo la cobertura foliar. Posee acción humectante, actúa como puente de interfase entre las soluciones asperjadas (hidrofílicas) y las capas cerosas de las ...
Accueil | Silox
Alors que plusieurs ont décidé de réduire les efforts au niveau de la recherche, de l'innovation et du support technique, SILOX Canada inc. persiste et signe sur la confiance en ses valeurs dans un esprit de dépassement et d'accomplissement de résultats toujours meilleurs, assurant ainsi la pérennité et la rentabilité de tous.