Silvina Ocampo - Wikipedia
She studied painting and drawing in Paris where she met, in 1920, Fernand Léger and Giorgio de Chirico, forerunners of surrealism. [4] She received, among other awards, the Municipal Prize …
The Other Ocampo Sister, Overshadowed No More
Nov 15, 2019 · That other, singular, untranslatable world is Silvina Ocampo’s. Silvina was, besides being a poet and fiction writer, an artist who studied painting with Giorgio de Chirico …
that Silvina Ocampo and Remedios Varo begin their artistic ca-reers. Given the incoherent state of western world affairs during and after the 1930s, it is not surprising to encounter irrational, …
Surrealist Silvina Ocampo Shines In Two New Translations
Oct 26, 2019 · The Argentine poet and fiction writer Silvina Ocampo (1903-1993) led a truly enviable artistic life. She studied painting with Modernists Giorgio de Chirico and Férnand …
The Olive Green Dress | Center for the Art of Translation | Two …
Silvina Ocampo (1903–1993) was a central figure of Argentine literary circles. She was an early contributor to Argentina's Sur magazine, where she worked closely with its founder, her sister …
Silvina Ocampo, artista visual - LA NACION
El dibujo y la pintura dejaron, en la obra literaria de Silvina Ocampo, huellas profundas que pueden rastrearse en algunos de sus temas, en la fragmentación de los cuerpos –propia del …
Archivo de Silvina Ocampo, 1949-1986 - Finding Aids
The collection consists of writings, correspondence and drawings by Argentine novelist, short-story writer and poet Silvina Ocampo. Loading..
The Melting Pot: The Visions of Silvina Ocampo - Brian Nicholson …
Feb 8, 2015 · I have as yet been unable to turn up an example of what exactly Ocampo's paintings looked like. Unlike the in-print editions of Leonora Carrington's books, that is not one …
Silvina Ocampo – New York Review Books
The first of Ocampo’s seven collections of stories, Viaje olvidado (Forgotten Journey), appeared in 1937; the first of her seven volumes of poems, Enumeración de la patria (Enumeration of My …
Ocampo, Silvina - Encyclopedia.com
Although not well known outside her homeland, Silvina Ocampo was a highly regarded artist, poet, and shortstory writer in her native Argentina. In general, Englishspeaking readers are …