The Battle over Silwan - Middle East Forum
2012年6月1日 · The SCC [Silwan Community Center] will also focus on providing for the children of Silwan with a brand new infant care center … a day care center, and seven classrooms for extracurricular programming. … For the growing senior citizen population, the SCC will have a special wing devoted to senior citizen programming ...
Digging for Trouble: The Politics of Archaeology in East Jerusalem
2008年4月25日 · Silwan is a stone’s throw away from the Temple Mount and the Al Aqsa Mosque — among the holiest and most sensitive sites in the Middle East. While archaeology’s mission is to study the history of peoples by excavating and analyzing their material culture, inscriptions, and other remains, it has often been deployed in the service of ...
The True History of the Land of Israel [incl. Rashid Khalidi, Philip ...
2019年2月14日 · Among them: Bethlehem (Beit Lechem), Hebron (Chevron), Beitin (Beit El), Jenin (Ein Ganim), Silwan (Shiloach), and Tequa (Tekoa). Allegations endlessly repeated by the United Nations, Palestinians, and, to be sure, The New York Times , that Israel has no legitimate claim to the territory now commonly known as the “West Bank” (of Jordan) are ...
"Israels helvede er bedre end Arafats paradis" - Middle East Forum
2025年3月1日 · ‘Abd ar-Razzaq ‘Abid fra Jerusalems Silwan-kvarter pegede tvivlende på, “hvad der foregår i Ramallah, Hebron og Gaza-striben,” og spurgte, om indbyggerne der var velstående. En læge, som ansøgte om israelske papirer, forklarede: “Den ganske verden synes at tale om arabernes fremtid i Jerusalem, men ingen har gidet spørge os.
“The Hell of Israel Is Better than the Paradise of Arafat”
2005年1月6日 · ‘Abd ar-Razzaq ‘Abid of Jerusalem’s Silwan neighborhood pointed dubiously to “what’s happening in Ramallah, Hebron, and the Gaza Strip” and asked if the residents there were well off. A doctor applying for Israeli papers explained: