Silt Density Index Test Meter- SDI testing
Performs SDI-5, SDI-10 and SDI-15 tests in both 100ml and 500ml sample sizes for more meaningful silt density index results and a complete picture of filter plugging. Standards compliant 47 mm membranes for lowest cost, worldwide availability.
Simple SDI - Portable Automatic Silt Density Index Meter
simple SDI silt density index meter offers automatic and portable Silt Density Index testing. The Simple SDI microprocessor precision plus high resolution flow measurement guides you through the test process accurately calculates the SDI of the …
SIMPLESDI Automatic Portable SDI Tst Kit — WaterAnywhere
simple SDI offers automated test process for simpler, easier and accurate SDI measurements. simple SDI is compact, lightweight and battery powered for easy portability. Performs SDI 5, 10 and 15 minute tests with both 100 ml and 500 ml sample size tests – provides useful data which is especially helpful on high SDI waters.
Technical Info for the simpleSDI Silt Density Index tester
Free of large solids. Filter to 50 micron minimum. (Cleanable 50 micron filter included in kit) * A booster pump kit is available for use on water supplies with insufficient pressure. Specifications for the simpleSDI silt density index tester.
Simple SDI:Auto - Automated Portable Test Instrument (100
Silt Density Index (SDI) testing quantifies the amount of particulate contamination in a water source. SDI is widely accepted for estimating the rate at which colloidal and particulate fouling will occur in water purification systems – especially in applications using …
美国PROCAM Simple Auto 便携式SDI仪_参数_价格-仪器信息网
美国PROCAM Simple Auto SDI仪能够自动连续监测RO反渗透系统进水中的污染指数(SDI值)。 操作人员能够快速地对RO预处理系统工作情况进行例行检查而不需要进行费时而且准确度不高的手工SDI测试。
simpleSDI仪 美国SPEARS自动便携式SDI测量仪(原PROCAM)
通过使用simpleSDI仪 美国SPEARS自动便携式SDI测量仪(原PROCAM)将实现自动测量数据,准确、简单地实现日常的SDI值测试。 SimpleSDI仪体积小、重量轻、锂电池供电。
美国PROCAM自动Simple SDI测量仪-上海轩仪 - shyq114.com
美国procam simple sdi测试仪是美国procam生产的 自动便携式sdi仪,能够自动在线测试反渗透系统的污染指数sdi值。 Simple SDI仪免去了人工测试的麻烦,降低了SDI测试中的人为误差。
Simple SDI-自动在线SDI测量仪|美国Simple -北京精诚华泰仪表有 …
2022年1月29日 · Simple SDI仪是美国PROCAM生产的一款自动便携式SDI仪,能够自动在线测试反渗透系统的污染指数。Simple SDI测量仪免去了人工测试的麻烦,降低了SDI测试中的人为误差。Simple SDI仪重量轻、体积小,工具箱式携带方便。
美国原装进口Simple SDI仪(自动便携式带可充电电源,PROCAM)_半自动SDI…
全自动 sdi 监测仪能够自动连续监测ro反渗透系统进水中的污染指数(sdi值)。 操作人员能够快速地对RO预处理系统工作情况进行例行检查而不需要进行费时而且准确度不高的手工SDI测试。
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