[FIXED] [GT] Sims can't try for baby or woohoo in walk in closet
Just attempt to WooHoo in a closet from the Get Together Pack. UPDATE (8/15/22): This bug is ONLY a problem if you make the closets build in (a wall over it). I have a tendency to build walk in closets behind walls in my houses.
Solved: I cant make my sims woohoo - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Yeah so I cant make my sims woohoo and its not cuz of my beds are in the wrong place the option just doesn't pop up, it did once but it just disappeared like months ago. What is going on, and what can I do? Google hasn't helped nor anything on this webpage.
Re: Woohoo partners rejecting woohoo - Answer HQ - EA Answers …
For some reason, sims can't be in a woohoo partnership and a romantic partnership at the same time with the same sim (I dunno if it's intended that the woohoo partnership won't automatically end/transfer into a proper romantic relationship).
Sims won't WooHoo - Page 20 - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
So my sims won’t woohoo or cuddle in bed. they sleep in it (together) but everything romantic isn’t happening. They are engaged now, and went from high school lovers to Young Adults lovers. I’ve also checked everything in the romantic prefences. The romantic line is complete full, the friendship line too.
Sims won't woohoo (NO MODS) - Page 21 - Answer HQ - EA …
My sims in my game randomly can't woohoo with anyone. I've changed lots, changed sims, and everytime they go to woohoo they whisper then they just reset like nothing happened. So they can't have babies either. I just bought loves truck but everything was fine the first few days now suddenly they can't!! help!!
my sims won't woohoo or be more then friends. - EA Answers HQ
Product: The Sims 4 Platform:PC Which language are you playing the game in? English How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) What is your current game version number? (80884-769ob5aaa2) What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Tiny living, seasons, rom...
Re: Woohoo in bed not working - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
SIMPLY not requiring Sims to need 4-6 tiles of space to initiate woohoo would resolve the problem. conversations require no extra tiles nor should a conversation about initiating woohoo Message 10 of 10 (12,477 Views)
My Sims wont woohoo! - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hello, I just recently encountered this problem. I have custom content on my sims 4 but I didn't have this bug before now. Both of my sims are in a good relationship (green bar and Pink are maxed) and I even got them in flirty moods, but they just wont woohoo! I click on the woohoo button and it see...
[OPEN] Sims reset after woohoo/ LE being generated
Sims are reset at the end of WooHoo. What do you expect to see? Bug. Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used. Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure Hello, I've noticed that at the end of WooHoo the Sims are reset to the side of the ...
My Sims Can't WooHoo? (except for in the bush) - EA Answers HQ
1. Can the sims involved sleep together in the bed? 2. Does the woohoo start and then just stop or do you sims just stand there waving their arms around and show a thought bubble with the action/object crossed out? 3. Have you locked any doors so the sims can't get to …