SOLUTION: find the exact value of the expression sin 165 degrees
You can put this solution on YOUR website! find the exact value of the expression sin 165 degrees. ** sin (x+y)=sinxcosy+cosxsiny
SOLUTION: Find the exact value of the expression sin 165 degrees
Question 258565: Find the exact value of the expression sin 165 degrees Answer by stanbon(75887) ...
SOLUTION: Find the exact value of sin 165°. Thank You
You can put this solution on YOUR website! Okay we use the addition formula for sine and get sin 165 = sin(120 + 45) =
SOLUTION: Use the sum or difference identities to find the exact …
Use the sum or difference identities to find the exact value of sin -165 degrees *** Identity: sin(x-y)=sinxcosy-cosxsiny sin(-165˚)=sin(60-225)=sin(60)cos(225)-cos(60)sin(225).. sin(60)=√3/2 sin(225)=-√2/2(ref angle of π/4 in quadrant III) cos(60)=1/2 cos(225)=-√2/2(ref angle of …
SOLUTION: Use an Addition or Subtraction Formula to find the …
Algebra -> Trigonometry-basics-> SOLUTION: Use an Addition or Subtraction Formula to find the exact value of the expression Sin(165) Log On Algebra: Trigonometry Section Solvers Solvers
SOLUTION: what is the sum or difference identity for the follow: …
With the 5 at the end of 165, you should be thinking that a multiple of 45 would be involved (because all the other special angles end in 0). Here are several possibilities: sin(165) = sin(120+45) = sin(120)*cos(45) + sin(45)*cos(120)
Use sum or difference identities to find the exact value of each ...
Question 142444: Use sum or difference identities to find the exact value of each trigonometric function. 4.csc(915)degrees
SOLUTION: Find the exact value of sin 165. - Algebra Homework …
Since 165 has no square factors, sqrt(165) is the exact value of sqrt(165). You may find a decimal approximation to sqrt(165) but you will never arrive at a definite decimal representation of its exact value. sqrt(165) is an irrational number and cannot be …
SOLUTION: Use an Addition or Subtraction Formula to find the …
sin(-11pi/12) Algebra -> Trigonometry-basics -> SOLUTION: Use an Addition or Subtraction Formula to find the exact value of the expression, as demonstrated in Example 1. 1.
b) in which quadrant of the coordinate plane does the angle -165 …
2. a) if cos theta = -3/4 and tan theta is negative, what is the value of sin theta? If cos0 and tan0, then sin>0. This means the reference angle is in quadrant II. You are working with a 3-4-5 reference right triangle in quadrant II. so, sin theta=4/5.. b) in which quadrant of the coordinate plane does the angle -165 lie? quadrant III.