Simple Harmonic Motion: why sin(wt) instead of sin(t)? - Physics …
2018年9月15日 · Again, that all makes sense. However, what I do not understand is why sin(wt) [I know omega is the letter used but I only have w on my keyboard] is used instead of sin(t). It is …
Aaah - sin(wt) - time or frequency domain? - Physics Forums
2006年12月15日 · LM741. You shouldn't be bothered by the fact that the (*one and only*) frequency of a signal that varies sinusoidally with time appears in the expression for that …
Explaining Sinusoidal Motion: x = A sin(wt) - Physics Forums
2010年5月31日 · Can someone please explain the following equation: x = A sin(wt) where A = amplitude, w = angular velocity, t = time. The way it's explained in my textbook is very confusing.
Dimensions of Sin(wt) and Sin(w) and Sin(t) - Physics Forums
2006年4月5日 · It's not a sufficient question to ask what units sin(wt) has. It depends on the quantity that you are using that function to represent. For example, Air pressure -- P = P1 * …
Significace of i*sin(wt) in SHM [cos(wt)+i*sin(wt)] - Physics Forums
2008年4月15日 · However, for your original question, the term i * sin(wt) does have a physical relevance- in mechanics and electromagnetics, the linear response of a system to a periodic …
Are c1 cos(wt) + c2 sin(wt) and A sin(wt + phi) Equivalent?
2006年9月16日 · Hi. I have to show that x(t)=c1 cos(wt) + c2 sin(wt) '(1)' and x(t) = A sin(wt + phi) are equivalent. I know I have to use sin(alpha + beta) =...
Direction of Wave: Asin(kx+wt) & Asin(kx-wt) - Physics Forums
2010年4月12日 · If it is cosine A(wt-kx), a crest is at wt-kx=0. This means that at t= 0 the crest is at x=0 and at a later time t, it is at x= k/w*t. This is the same equation that holds for a body …
How do I find the Fourier Series for F(t) = sin(wt)? - Physics Forums
2007年10月30日 · Consider F(t) = sin(wt) when 0 < t < pi/w and 0 when pi/w < t < 2pi/w. Where w is the frequency and t is the time. Find the Fourier Series Homework Equations F(t) = sum of …
How Can I Model sin(wt) in MATLAB? - Physics Forums
2010年11月18日 · the sin(w*t) is the input (excitation) to a dynamical system. this latter is described by a second order ODE as follows: dy(1) = y(2); dy(2) = - B1*U1/m - B2*U2/m + g + …
Representing sum of cosine and sine as a single cosine expression
2010年7月12日 · a.cos(wt) + b.sin(wt) = M.cos(wt + ϕ) Can you give me M and ϕ in terms of a and b? Insights Blog -- Browse All Articles -- Physics Articles Physics Tutorials Physics Guides …