Kou, Sindo - UW-Engineering Directory | College of Engineering …
My book Welding Metallurgy (3rd edition 2021) has contributed significantly to the science of welding and is widely used in research, industry and education. It has been cited over 5,000 times (480 times in 2022). Directory application for professional profiles, faculty and staff in the College of Engineering, UW-Madison.
Sindo Kou - Google Scholar
Sindo Kou. professor of materials science and engineering, university of wisconsin. Verified email at engr.wisc.edu. welding casting crystal growth. Articles Cited by Public access. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Cited by. Cited by. Year; Welding metallurgy. S Kou. New Jersey, USA, 1-461, 2003.
Sindo KOU | University of Wisconsin–Madison, Wisconsin | UW ...
Sindo KOU | Cited by 5,129 | of University of Wisconsin–Madison, Wisconsin (UW) | Read 128 publications | Contact Sindo KOU
Welding Metallurgy | Wiley Online Books
2002年10月18日 · SINDO KOU, PhD, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Wisconsin. He graduated from MIT with a PhD degree in metallurgy. He is a Fellow of American Welding Society and ASM International. He is the author of Transport Phenomena and Materials Processing, also published by Wiley.
Welding Metallurgy, 3rd Edition | Wiley
Welding Metallurgy, 3 rd Edition is the only complete compendium of recent, and not-so-recent, developments in the science and practice of welding metallurgy. Written by Dr. Sindo Kou, this edition covers solid-state welding as well as fusion welding, which now …
Sindo Kou at University of Wisconsin - Madison - Rate My …
Sindo Kou is a professor in the Engineering department at University of Wisconsin - Madison - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Sindo Kou's research works | University of Wisconsin–Madison, …
Sindo Kou's 5 research works with 68 citations and 1,297 reads, including: Solidification and Liquation Cracking in Welds of High Entropy CoCrFeNiCux Alloys
焊接冶金学 - 豆瓣读书
在描述熔化焊接工艺过程原理、热传导特点和焊接应力、变形规律的基础上,重点介绍了金属焊接冶金过程中的凝固过程、相变过程和部分熔化区的形成及问题,以及典型强化合金的焊接热影响区的微观组织及性能。 材料科学经典著作选译 (共12册), 这套丛书还有 《脆性固体断裂力学》《纳米结构和纳米材料》《金属高温氧化导论》《金属塑性成形导论》《非线性光学晶体》 等 。 Sindo Kou是一位老先生,原本是台湾人,现在在美国著名的威斯康星麦迪逊工作。 先生原本也不是 …
Sindo Kou - University of Wisconsin - LinkedIn
View Sindo Kou’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Experience: University of Wisconsin · Location: Madison · 42 connections on LinkedIn.
- 人脉数: 42
- 位置: University of Wisconsin
Sindo Kou: Materials Science H-index & Awards - Research.com
Sindo Kou focuses on Metallurgy, Welding, Alloy, Cracking and Weld pool. His studies in Casting, Eutectic system, Intermetallic, Arc welding and Liquid metal are all subfields of Metallurgy research. His study on Welding is mostly dedicated to …
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