Buy TUTTLE SINGLEY FCP 6IN from Shop STERIS. Purchase product number SU5060 and other STERIS products online.
Tuttle (Singley) Tissue Forceps - MPM Medical Supply
Tuttle (Singley) Tissue Forceps are designed with serrated loop tips, these grasping forceps are available in a wide selection of lengths. The tips of the blades formed as loops lying at right angles to the line of closure. The ridged handle offers a secure grip for the surgeon, while the stability pin offers a steady and precise tool ...
Singley-Tuttle Dissecting Forcep - Serrated Grasping Forcep
The Surtex® Singley-Tuttle Dissecting Forcep is a multipurpose surgical instrument commonly used for grasping delicate internal tissues. It is often used to grip intestines and other internal organs while minimizing inflicted damage.
Tuttle (Singley) Tissue Forceps are designed with serrated loop tips, these grasping forceps are available in a wide selection of lengths. The tips of the blades formed as loops lying at right angles to the line of closure. The ridged handle offers a secure grip for the surgeon, while the stability pin offers a steady and precise tool.
Tuttle Singley Tissue Forceps | New Med Instruments
New Med's Tuttle Singley Tissue Forceps are specialized surgical instrument that is designed with serrated loop tips, these grasping forceps features tips of the blades formed as loops lying at right angles to the line of closure. These forceps come with stability pin …
Singley Tissue Forceps - Ameri Surgical Instruments Inc.
Experience precision and control in tissue handling with the Singley Tissue Forcep by Ameri Surgical Instruments®. This specialized forcep is meticulously crafted to provide surgeons and medical professionals with a reliable tool for delicate tissue manipulation.
Tuttle (Singley) Tissue Forceps – Alberon - Alberon – Instruments
Tuttle (Singley) Tissue Forceps are designed with serrated loop tips, these grasping forceps are available in a wide selection of lengths. The tips of the blades formed as loops lying at right …
Singley (Tuttle) Forceps - Hayden Medical
Singley Forceps 120-215 Singley (Tuttle) Tissue Forceps 10" (25cm), fenestrated serrated jaws
Singley Forceps: General Surgery Instruments
Acheron Instruments’ Singley Forceps are surgical tools that assist surgeons in securely holding and controlling delicate tissues such as the intestines or other internal organs during surgeries. Fenestrated Tips for Optimum Tissue Grip. Narrow Profile to Access Deep Surgical Spaces. Ergonomic Spring Handle for Fast Action.
Forceps, Tuttle (Singley) Tissue, 9 in | Aspen Surgical
Forceps, Tuttle (Singley) Tissue, 9 in. IFUs: Reprocessing Instructions Reusable Instruments (English) IFU-204233