Hyperbolic Functions - sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, sech, csch - Math10
If x = sinh y, then y = sinh-1 a is called the inverse hyperbolic sine of x. Similarly we define the other inverse hyperbolic functions. The inverse hyperbolic functions are multiple-valued and as in the case of inverse trigonometric functions we restrict ourselves to principal values for which they can be considered as single-valued.
双曲正弦函数 - 百度百科
双曲正弦函数是 双曲函数 的一种。 双曲正弦函数在 数学语言 上一般记作 sinh,也可简写成sh。 与 三角函数 一样,双曲函数也分为双曲正弦、双曲余弦、 双曲正切 、双曲余切、双曲正割、双曲余割6种,双曲正弦函数和 双曲余弦函数 是双曲函数中最基本的两种,由这两个函数可推导出 双曲正切函数 等等。 应用上常遇到以e为底的 指数函数 和 所产生的 双曲函数 以及它们的反函数—— 反双曲函数,而双曲正弦函数是双曲函数的一种,它的定义式 [1] 为。 当x的 绝对值 很大时, …
Hyperbolic Sine (sinh) Calculator - Math Tools
This is an online free sinh calculator. You can calculate value of sinh () trignometric function easily using this tool. In mathematics, the trigonometric functions (also called circular functions, angle functions or goniometric functions) are functions of an angle. They relate the angles of a triangle to the lengths of its sides.
SINH function calculator and graph
SINH (x) returns the hyperbolic sine of the angle x. The argument x must be expressed in radians. To convert degrees to radians you use the RADIANS function. The argument x can be a real number, a complex number, or a matrix.
sinh计算器_在线双曲正弦函数计算器 - 站长工具网
4 天之前 · 双曲正弦函数(sinh)是一种常用的数学函数,它将输入值映射到无穷大范围内,具有奇函数的特性,即f (-x) = -f (x)。 该函数在物理学、工程学、经济学等领域中有广泛的应用。 双曲正弦函数 是双曲函数的一种,记作 sinh,也可简写成 sh。 双曲正弦函数是周期函数,周期为 2πi,这是完全不同于实变函数中的性质。 它是一个奇函数,即 sinh (-x) = -sinh (x),并且 sinh (0) = 0。 双曲正弦函数的图像是一条通过原点并且穿越第一和第三象限的严格单调递增曲线。 当 x …
Hyperbolic Functions Calculator
Hyperbolic functions calculator helps you calculate values of functions such as sinh, cosh, and tanh.
Hyperbolic Sine -- from Wolfram MathWorld
2025年3月5日 · The hyperbolic sine is defined as sinhz=1/2(e^z-e^(-z)). (1) The notation shz is sometimes also used (Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000, p. xxix). It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as Sinh[z]. Special values include sinh0 = 0 (2) sinh(lnphi) = 1/2, (3) where phi is the golden ratio. The value sinh1=1.17520119...
sinh - MathWorks
Y = sinh(X) returns the hyperbolic sine of the elements of X. The sinh function operates element-wise on arrays. The function accepts both real and complex inputs. All angles are in radians.
Hyperbolic sine of a complex number calculator and formula
The Sinh function for real numbers can be found here. To perform the calculation, enter the complex number. Then click on the 'Calculate' button.
Sinh - hyperbolic sine calculator and formula - RedCrab Software
The function Sinh calculates the hyperbolic sine of real numbers. The angle is given in degrees (full circle = 360°) or radians (full circle = 2 · π). The unit of measurement used is set using the Degrees or Radians menu. The hyperbolic sine (sinh) can be expressed by the following formula: sinh(x) = ex − e−x 2 s i n h (x) = e x − e − x 2.
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