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China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation is a vertically integrated energy & chemical company that is engaged in oil & gas exploration and production... Copyright China Petroleum & …
Sinpec Maroc
Avec plus de 30 ans de présence sur le marché marocain, SINPEC est leader dans les domaines du pesage et de l’air comprimé, mais aussi dans les solutions de traitement de l’eau. SINPEC propose aux industriels des solutions innovantes à forte …
© 中国石油化工集团有限公司版权所有 京icp备05037230号-2 京公网安备11010502035638
首页|中国石油化工股份有限公司 - sinopec.com
中国石油化工股份有限公司(以下简称“中国石化”)是一家上中下游一体化、石油石化主业突出、拥有比较完备销售网络、境内外上市的股份制企业。 中国石化是由中国石化集团有限公司依据...
China Sinopec
With promoting low-carbon transformation of global energy as its goal, Sinopec is committed to leading the future of energy and chemical industry with innovation, shouldering its responsibilities to refuel for a better life, and working with all stakeholders to build a better life.
首页 | 齐鲁石化公司 - sinopec.com
Dec 25, 2024 · 公司始建于1966年,经过50年的建设,现已发展成为一家集石油加工、石油化工、煤化工、天然气化工、盐化工为一体,配套齐全的大型炼油、化工、化纤联合企业。
Sinopec - Wikipedia
China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, or Sinopec Group, is a Chinese oil and gas enterprise based in Chaoyang District, Beijing. The SASAC administers China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation for the benefit of State Council of the People's Republic of China.
中国石化内部的沟通协作工具,专为中石化内部工作沟通量身定制 , 以业务为核心、 更高效、 更便捷、 更安全。 提供了单聊、群聊、视频会议、红名单、任务待办、消息推送、协同办公等功能!
Official Sinopec Online Store
Sinopec produces more than 1.46 million tons of packaged lubricants per year from 12 lube oil & grease blending and manufacturing branches and 2 major R&D Centers around the world. Sinopec supplies over 2000 kinds of lube oils and greases across all 21 major product categories.