Amaranthine - Mass Effect Wiki
Amaranthine is a chilly rock world with an atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Its frozen surface... Location: Milky Way / Horse Head Nebula / Fortuna System / Third planet Prerequisite: Destroying the two pirate bases on Mavigon and Klensal as …
Head Full of Flowers - floofboy - Senyuu. (Anime & Manga) …
2021年2月22日 · In every route that you could choose in Flower Heart, Prince Sion Amaranthine is the main villain. Because the crown prince and the Queen were trapped in a magical coma for most of his childhood, the rumours say he grew up a spoiled, arrogant child.
Studies performed with several genotypes and species of the genus Amaranthus determined that their pigmentation was due predominantly to two betacya-nins: amaranthine, the most abundant form, and isoamaranthine.
苋属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
苋属 (学名: Amaranthus)植物是一类分布广泛的草本植物,包含了大约70个 种,常统称为 野苋菜。 其普遍特征是 花序 和 叶子 会呈现出不同程度的紫红色到金色。 该属有一些种被认为是有危害的 杂草,而另一些则是世界各地广泛食用的 叶菜, 粮食 或是 观赏植物。 部分种类在外形和用途上与临近属 青葙属 中的一些成员相似,其归属仍未有定论。 属名 Amaranthus 源于希腊语amarantos(不凋落的)和anthos(花)的合成词,指本属植物具色苞片不去色。 苋属植物在 …
amaranthine - 百度百科
Amaranthin | C30H34N2O19 | CID 6325284 - PubChem
Amaranthin is a disaccharide derivative that is betanidin in which a beta-D-glucuronosyl- (1->2)-beta-D-glucosyl moiety is attached at position 5. It has a role as a plant metabolite and a biological pigment. It is a disaccharide derivative, an olefinic compound, a tetrahydropyridine and a member of indoles.
《Amarantine》是由恩雅于2005年11月22日发行的融合民族音乐、另类流行摇滚、当代凯尔特音乐风格的音乐专辑。 该专辑由尼基·莱恩制作,收录12首歌曲以及4首圣诞节特别版。 2007年,该专辑获得第49届格莱美奖最佳新世纪专辑;专辑中《Drifting》一曲提名最佳流行器乐演奏。
(PDF) Phytopharmacological profile, nutritional value and amaranthine …
2024年11月11日 · Amaranth has the ability to improve the functionality of the immune system, enabling an outstanding balance of amino acid composition, as well as the ratio of lysine to arginine. Antioxidants,...
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Research in Amaranthaceae could be accelerated by developing methods for targeted gene silencing. Most amaranths, including Amaranthus tricolor, produce betalains. However, the physiological and ecological roles of these pigments are uncertain.
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