Siragle - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Siragle was a humanoid reptilian creature about 8.5 feet (2.6 meters), with a muscular humanoid body fully 3 feet (0.91 meters) wide and a 5‑foot-long (1.5‑meter) tail. His head was that of a crocodile with blood-red eyes and soot-black teeth, crowned with sharp black antlers. His tail ended in a yellowed ivory stinger, and his hands ended ...
西拉格Siragle | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
Siragle is a major Abyssal fiend whose form is an unsettling humanoid/reptile blend. He stands 8 1/2’ tall and has the head of a crocodile crowned with sharp black antlers. His body is that of a huge, muscular human, a full 3' wide.
Siragle - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Siragle is a major Abyssal fiend whose form is an unsettling humanoid/reptile blend. He stands 8 1⁄2' tall and has the head of a crocodile crowned with sharp black antlers. His body is that of a huge, muscular human, a full 3' wide. His eyes are a …
Siragle - Great Library of Greyhawk
Siragle is a demon lord. Siragle is described as "a major Abyssal fiend", with a form that blends human and reptile features. He is 8 1/2 feet tall, with a huge, leathery, blackish-green, muscled human body, and a crocodile head crowned with sharp black antlers.
浸溺之岛The Steeping Isle | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
D. Siragle (arrives 26th game turn): This dangerous Abyssal denizen has been growing in power and influence for the past few centuries. He now holds sway over the 493rd layer of the Abyss, a small, loathsome place with few inhabitants or resources.
Abyssal Layer 493: The Steeping Isle : r/DnDBehindTheScreen - Reddit
2018年4月29日 · Siragle is worshiped primarily by demons, hezrous in particular, and a number of khumat. They have constructed a number of looming altars that can be found throughout the isle, where they enact blasphemous rituals to the Ineffable.
DND系列 深渊部分层面介绍(二) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
阿兹格拉特的居民都会服从于主君格拉兹特的意志,不仅因为这会使他们的财富随之增加,还因为在经过数代的猎杀之后,格拉兹特早已将所有不忠者从他的国度里抹去。 阿兹格拉特的市集自夸于那些各种各样,种类惊人的产品,服务,和奇异无比,在无底深渊中前所未见的奴隶,格拉兹特自己也从这些贸易中获得了丰厚的回报。 按照格拉兹特的私人政令,任何配戴他的六指标记的商人都将获得安全保障,免遭此层面的居民的侵扰。 盗窃行为会对商业贸易造成危害,在任何情况 …
多眼暴君 - 百度百科
DND被遗忘国度(FR)神系--深渊领主 - 哔哩哔哩
恶魔领主中的最强者拥有恶魔王子头衔,较强者则被称为恶魔主君,还有一些力量只足以控制小片区域或族群者,被称为次级恶魔领主。 层数 层面名 领主名 简介. 1层:帕祖尼亚Pazunia 帕祖祖Pazuzu奥比里斯领主,低空王国之王子Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms 次级恶魔领主阿尔蒂娜诗Aldinach 变幻女士the Lady of Change 次级恶魔领主巴尔塔祖Baltazo 血战将军 (神国)托特利·伊斯特Teotli Itic 泰兹卡Tezca 马兹特克神系的火神与太阳神 (神国)托特利·伊斯特Teotli …
Siragle - AD&D Complete Compendium - AD&D 2nd Edition …
Siragle is a major Abyssal fiend whose form is an unsettling humanoid/reptile blend. He stands 8½' tall and has the head of a crocodile crowned with sharp black antlers. His body is that of a huge, muscular human, a full 3' wide.