Siren - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database
Stories abound of sirens dying—either through heartache or suicide—when sailors they attempted to lure overcame their compelling powers and escaped their grasps. Sirens always live near the sea, where their powerful voices can carry over the waves and attract the attention of unwary sailors who trespass near their isles.<br /><br />A ...
Siren Song - Feats - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition …
These aquatic humanoids have an upper body similar to a human and a lower body similar to a fish. This magic comes from the primal tradition, connecting to the natural world and instinct.
Siren - PathfinderWiki
A siren is a creature with the body of a large bird of prey and the head of a beautiful human woman. Their song is known to enchant and ensnare all who hear it, and many legends are told of sirens drawing men to their death. 1. This article is a stub. You can help us by expanding it.
Siren (Ravenloft) - pathfinder2e.org
By means of their innate ability to cast advanced illusion spells, Ravenloft sirens present a very different face to the world. They appear to be beautiful mermaids with voluptuous bodies and sleek sea-green hair.
How to build a Siren-esque fight? : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
2023年11月4日 · as my friends and I have switched to pf2e lately, I find myself in a small pickle. The mini campaign I'm running is supposed to have a fight against a Siren that controls the members of the party, one at a time.
开拓者2版中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
开拓者2版(Pathfinder 2nd)是美国PAIZO公司出品的广受好评的TRPG桌面扮演规则——开拓者(PF)的最新版规则。 采用了更具特色的三动作回合机制,更严谨规范的数据框架。 本维基为开拓者2版规则的中文维基,主要内容包括PF2版的规则数据库,以及开拓者世界观的维基百科。
Siren | Pathfinder Wiki | Fandom
A siren is a creature with the body of a large bird of prey and the head of a beautiful woman. Their song is known to enchant and ensnare all who hear it, and many legends are told of sirens drawing men to their death.[1]
Siren - d20PFSRD
Sirens require male humanoids to mate, and several times per decade either capture or rescue bold or comely sailors who enter their territories. Stories abound of sirens dying—either through heartache or suicide—when sailors they attempted to lure overcame their compelling powers and escaped their grasps.
Seaweed Siren - Monsters - Archives of Nethys
Cacophony (Su) A seaweed siren’s noises disrupt spellcasting; casting within 100 feet of a seaweed siren requires a concentration check (DC 15 + the level of the spell being cast). All other concentration checks and Perception checks involving hearing made inside the aura have their DCs increased by 5.
Home - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database
2024年12月16日 · We're happy to announce that we're also in the process of onboarding a new data entry team member, named Fern - they will begin assisting Devin in the PF2e data load so that we can get caught back up with the regular releases.