Innovative pneumatic products - Sitek
STS Double filters and SMT Multifunctional Manifolds developed by Sitek secure production already in hundreds of factories. Expert design and top products since 1988. Secure your production with our innovative solutions that enable on-site modification and maintenance.
Multifunction Manifolds | Pneumatics - Sitek
Multifunction manifolds are assembly manifolds for valves used in process and machine automation. Over 200,000 multifunction manifolds ensure safe maintenance and replacement of devices in thousands of facilities in every continent.
SMT Multifunction Manifold STL-SMT-L2 - Sitek
The SMT multifunction manifold enables on-line maintenance and replacement of the devices mounted on it because the manifold is provided with individual shut-off valves. The actuator fed by the manifold can thus be serviced in a depressurized state, while overall pressure is maintained.
SITEC-Sieber Engineering AG - Valves - powered by cloudrexx
All our valves are also available in a hydrogen-compatible version.
氢气增压泵|超高压气动泵|超高压针阀|超高压阀门|液驱气体增压系 …
SITEK - SUPPLY MANIFOLD SJT series For compressed air distribution to pneumatic devices Features: - safe construction - also suitable for solenoid valve installation - economic, easy and quick installation - For dry or lubricated air or neutral gases - …
SITEK-天津赛力斯自动化科技有限公司 - celiss.com
SITEK多功能阀组(气路分配板)SMT系列SM... 天津赛力斯自动化科技有限公司是一家集研发、工程、销售、技术服务于一体的现代化企业,是国内自动化领域比...
品牌:Sitek 国家:芬兰 产品: Sitek气路分配板、支架、阀门、压力表、气源分配条 等
Products | Pneumatics - Sitek
Performing maintenance quickly and effortlessly with Sitek products saves time and money. The high technical quality and durability of our products, even in challenging conditions, guarantee the long-term usability and short payback period of our customers' investments.
Assembly and supply manifold for solenoid valves, rotameters and other pneumatic devices. Individual shut-off in each output facilitates safe on-line service or modification with pressure on. Suitable for the most manufacturers’ solenoid valves. Manifold can also have laser marked position marks. Outputs can be equipped with ball valves.