Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction (sIUGR)
Selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR), also called selective fetal growth restriction (sFGR), occurs when there is unequal placental sharing which leads to suboptimal growth of one twin. In cases of sIUGR, the estimated fetal weight of the smaller, growth-restricted twin usually falls below the 10th percentile.
Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction - Johns Hopkins Medicine
Selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR) is a condition that can occur in some identical twin pregnancies. These pregnancies are known as monochorionic, which means the twins share a placenta (afterbirth) and a network of blood vessels. sIUGR happens when the placenta is not evenly apportioned between the twins. The placenta provides ...
sIUGR in Twins | Prognosis & Care | Children's Minnesota
Selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR) is a condition that occurs in twin pregnancies when one of the babies does not receive enough nourishment through the placenta to grow at a normal rate.
sIUGR是单绒毛膜性双胎较常见的并发症,在单绒毛膜性双胎中的发生率为10%~15%,主要表现为两个胎儿间的体质量差异较大。 sIUGR的发生、自然进程及转归主要与以下两个因素有关:供应两个胎儿的胎盘面积比例不均衡、不同类型的胎盘吻合血管的存在。 后者是影响该病临床转归的关键因素,这些吻合血管有代偿和保护作用,而在小胎儿状况恶化时有损害作用。 单绒毛膜性双胎sIUGR的自然病程及转归呈多样性,其临床处理远较TTTS棘手,临床咨询往往也更困难。 …
In monochorionic twins a size discordance over 25%, or growth delay of one fetus is called selective intrauterine growth restriction or sIUGR. How does sIUGR harm the babies? Fetuses that have access to less nutrients because of placental dysfunction are at risk for growth delay and deterioration of well-being.
Management and perinatal outcome of selective intrauterine …
Introduction: Selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR) is a complication observed in about 10-15% of all monochorionic (MC) pregnancies, causing a significant increase in perinatal mortality and morbidity.
段涛教授:选择性胎儿生长受限(sIUGR) - 360doc
2017年8月28日 · sIUGR是单绒毛膜性双胎较常见的并发症,在单绒毛膜性双胎中的发生率约为10%-15%,主要表现为两个胎儿间的体重差异较大。 sIUGR的发生、自然进程及转归主要与以下两个因素有关:供应两胎儿的胎盘面积比例不均衡;不同类型的胎盘血管吻合的存在。 后者是影响临床转归的关键因素,这些吻合血管既有代偿和保护作用,而在小胎儿状况恶化时又有损害作用。 sIUGR的自然病程及转归呈多样性,其处理远较TTTS棘手,临床咨询往往也更困难。 怎样诊 …
Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction (SIUGR) – Facts
2014年4月21日 · Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction (SIUGR): Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) occurs in approximately 10% of monochorionic twins. IUGR in monochorionic twins typically affects only one of the fetuses (selective IUGR, SIUGR).
A classification system for selective intrauterine growth restriction ...
sIUGR can be classified on the basis of umbilical artery Doppler into three types that correlate with different clinical behavior and different patterns of placental anastomoses. This classification may be of help in clinical decision-making and when comparing clinical studies.
What is selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR)?
Selective intrauterine growth restriction is present when the fetal weight of one twin is below the 10th percentile [1] in one twin of a monochorionic twin pregnancy while the co-twin is of normal size . sIUGR affects 12 - 25 % of monochorionic (one placenta) twin pregnancies and is thought to be caused by unequal sharing of the placenta by the ...