Graveyard Jack's Custom Sixgun Leather - Home
Offering several different styles of holsters and gun belts of established historical significance. Leather is embellished in traditional styles using quality materials. All work, including stitching, is done by hand using traditional tools and methods.
Prices & Styles - Graveyard Jack's Custom Sixgun Leather
A Graveyard Jack's original, The Sentinel is a full coverage flap holster. Loosely based on Civil War era designs but remains a direct copy of none. Finial closure with a Sam Browne button on the holster's throat, it is the pinnacle of handgun protection.
Sixgun Gallery - Graveyard Jack's Custom Sixgun Leather
A favorite for fitting Colt SAA holsters and great for shooting! We are also no strangers to a good double action sixgun. Here we have a handful of N-frames, including a 6½" model 24 and a 6" model 29, both stocked in exhibition grade walnut by Culina .
Gallery - Graveyard Jack's Custom Sixgun Leather
Based on the Indiana patterrn with a new prototype rifle cartridge box (.416Rigby), with interchangeable pistol cartridge panels, knife sheath and heavy 3" gun belt. All hand finished copper and brass hardware.
About - Graveyard Jack's Custom Sixgun Leather
My holsters are all hand-made with traditional materials and high quality 8-9oz vegetable tanned tooling leather. All stitching is done by hand. We use all manner of methods to color our leather from water, spirit and oil based dyes to older methods such …
Guns & Colors - Graveyard Jack's Custom Sixgun Leather
Please inquire (please no Glocks or other "modern" polymer autos or requests for shoulder holsters or "modern" concealment rigs)
Sixgun Gallery - Graveyard Jack's Custom Sixgun Leather
It will return to action again this fall in our new Sentinel flap holster. Also pictured below with our gorgeous Pedersoli Rocky Mountain Hawken .54. Here we have a glorious US Firearms Pre-War model .44Spl.
Contact - Graveyard Jack's Custom Sixgun Leather
Please contact us through the Etsy store for custom work. https://www.etsy.com/shop/GraveyardJackLeather