Inquiry IID - SIX
The Inquiry IID is an online search for master data of financial institutions as Swiss payment traffic participants. Enter at least one search parameter here. The wild-card sign "*" can be used in place of one or several parameters.
Abfrage IID - SIX
Die Abfrage IID ermöglicht die Online-Suche nach Stammdaten von Finanzinstituten, die am schweizerischen Zahlungsverkehr angeschlossen sind. Geben Sie hier mindestens einen Suchbegriff ein. Sie können auch das Jokerzeichen «*» als Platzhalter für eines oder mehrere beliebige Zeichen verwenden.
SIX iD - Apps on Google Play
2024年12月6日 · SIX ID Mobile is a powerful and intelligent reference and market data display app. Access our award winning data universe based on over 1’000 data fields available on more than 13 million...
The Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) payment system - SNB
2025年2月27日 · The Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) payment system is Switzerland's central payment system. Since its launch on 10 June 1987, it has been operated by SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd (SIC Ltd) on behalf of the Swiss National Bank. The participants eligible to use SIC primarily include Swiss banks and other financial market participants.
SIX ID - The Wealth Mosaic
Whether you are an investment advisor, wealth, risk or asset manager, in a front- or back-office role, SIX iD allows you to make the most of reference and market data from SIX. Choose from one of our prepackaged offerings or build your own version tailored to your precise needs.
def sign(did, iid, url, header): payload = f'did={did}&iid={iid}&url={urllib.parse.quote(url)}&header={urllib.parse.quote(header)}' response = httpx.post('', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data=payload) return response.json() promotion_id = '123456789' ticket = int(round(time.time ...
SIX Interbank Clearing – Interbank Payments | SIX
Online services of SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd. Inquire the IID, download the Bank Master and check the system status. Check the online services! million transactions are processed via the SIC payment system every year. trillion Swiss franc turnover is generated by financial institutions via SIC during peak months.
Consulter l'IID - SIX
«Consulter l'IID» permet de rechercher en ligne des données de base des établissements financiers participants au trafic des paiements en Suisse. Entrez ici au moins un critère de recherche. Vous pouvez également utiliser le signe joker «*» comme variable pour un ou plusieurs caractères.
2024年7月16日 · hook 结果如下, 可以看到 six已经生成了. jadx继续看看 发现调用了 onCallToAddSecurityFactor, 进去看看实现, 发现是个接口. 查看交叉引用看看. 进入以后 发现调用了 l.a, hook 试试看
Integrated interactions database: tissue-specific view of the …
2016年1月1日 · IID (Integrated Interactions Database) is the first database providing tissue-specific protein–protein interactions (PPIs) for model organisms and human. IID covers six species (S. cerevisiae (yeast), C. elegans (worm), D. melonogaster (fly), R. norvegicus (rat), M. musculus (mouse) and H. sapiens (human)) and up to 30 tissues per species ...