(15 mA for MOC3061M, 10 mA for MOC3062M and MOC3162M, 5 mA for MOC3063M and MOC3163M) and absolute maximum IF (60 mA). Isolation voltage, VISO, is an internal device …
MOC3061 Datasheet (PDF) - Fairchild Semiconductor
Description: 6-PIN DIP ZERO-CROSS PHOTOTRIAC DRIVER OPTOCOUPLER (600V PEAK). Manufacturer: Fairchild Semiconductor.
MOC3061_LITEON(光宝)_MOC3061中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创 …
The MOC3061, MOC3062 and MOC3063 devices consist of gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes optically coupled to monolithic silicon detectors performing the functions of Zero …
MOC3061 15 mA MOC3062 10 mA MOC3063 5 mA Holding Current , either direction ( I H) 400 µA Input to Output Isolation Voltage V ISO 5300 V RMS See note 3 Zero Inhibit Voltage ( V IH …
Dual-in-line package : MOC3061 / MOC3062 / MOC3063 Wide lead spacing package : MOC3061M / MOC3062M / MOC3063M Surface mounting package : MOC3061S / …
MOC3061 Datasheet(PDF) - Motorola, Inc
The MOC3061, MOC3062 and MOC3063 devices consist of gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes optically coupled to monolithic silicon detectors performing the functions of Zero …
MOC3061 Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
moc3061m 278Kb / 11P The MOC306XM and MOC316XM devices consist of a GaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon detector performing the function of a …
MOC3061系列光电双向可控硅驱动器 - 电源网
2018年12月13日 · moc3061 系列光电双向可控硅驱动器是一种新型的光电耦合器件 , 它可用直 流低电压 、小电流来控制交流高电压 、大电流 。 用该器件触发晶闸管 ,具有结构简单 、 成本 …
OR-MOC3061_Orient (奥伦德)_OR-MOC3061中文资料_PDF手册_ …