SK-MEL-5 - HTB-70 - ATCC
SK-MEL-5 is a melanoma cell line isolated from skin tissue obtained from a 24-year-old, White, female malignant melanoma patient. This cell line is a suitable transfection host and also serves as a source of target cells for the detection of melanoma-specific antibody in …
SK-MEL-5细胞系来源于一名24岁白人女性的恶性黑色素瘤皮肤组织。 SK-MEL-5细胞系由T. Takahashi及其团队成功分离,并在黑色素瘤研究中被广泛应用。 尤其在转染实验以及黑色素瘤患者的特异性抗体检测中,SK-MEL-5细胞表现出重要的研究价值。 SK-MEL-5细胞染色体核型为超五倍体,模态数为120,染色体数在95至133之间波动。 在9%的细胞中观察到120条染色体。 大部分细胞的染色体数目集中在114到123之间。 SK-MEL-5细胞系的常见标记染色体包括9q+(每 …
SK-MEL-28 - HTB-72 - ATCC
SK-MEL-28 cells are melanocytes isolated from the skin tissue of a 51-year-old, male patient with malignant melanoma. This cell line is a suitable transfection host and has applications in cancer and toxicology research. SK-MEL-28 is one of a very extensive series of melanoma cell lines isolated by T. Takahashi and associates.
SK-MEL-5: Human Melanoma Cell Line (ATCC HTB 70)
SK-MEL-5 is one of a series of melanoma cell lines established from patient-derived tumor samples. This cell line expresses mutant B-Raf (V600E) and wildtype N-Ras. This cell line was established in 1974 from a metastatic site (axillary lymph node) in a 24-year-old Caucasian female with malignant melanoma.
Cellosaurus cell line SK-MEL-5 (CVCL_0527)
Cell surface antigens of human malignant melanoma: mixed hemadsorption assays for humoral immunity to cultured autologous melanoma cells. One hundred and twenty-seven cultured human tumor cell lines producing tumors in nude mice. Absence of HeLa cell contamination in 169 cell lines derived from human tumors.
SK-MEL-2 - HTB-68 - ATCC
SK-MEL-2 is a cell line with polygonal morphology that was isolated from skin tissue derived from a 60-year-old, White, male patient with malignant melanoma. Please fill out the form below to sign up for notification when the product becomes in stock. …
SK-MEL-1细胞系由Herbert F. Oettgen及其同事于1966年从一名29岁的白人男性恶性黑色素瘤患者的胸导管中分离。 SK-MEL-1细胞系代表了已发生转移的黑色素瘤细胞,具有显著的恶性特性,且SK-MEL-1细胞系具有淋巴系统转移的能力。 SK-MEL-1细胞系表现出黑色素基因的表达。 黑色素生产:SK-MEL-1细胞能够产生黑色素。 电子显微镜检测显示,细胞中的色素颗粒与自身合成和吞噬作用相关。 抗原性:在63%的恶性黑色素瘤患者和10%其他疾病患者体内发现了针对SK …
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SK-MEL-5 细胞说明书
第 2页 共 2页 余经理:13611966922(微信同号) 占经理:15216032969(微信同号) 富衡蒲桃:15001706983(微信同号) 官方网站:www.fudancell.com
SK-MEL-30: Human Melanoma Cell Line
SK-MEL-30 is one of a series of melanoma cell lines established from patient-derived tumor samples. This cell line expresses wildtype B-Raf and mutant N-Ras (Q61K). This cell line was established in 1975 from a soft-tissue metastatic site (dermis) in a 66-year-old Caucasian male.
SK-MEL-2细胞系是一种源自60岁白人男性的多边形形态细胞系。 sk-mel-2细胞最初是从患者恶性黑色素瘤的皮肤转移组织中分离,尤其是大腿部位的转移病灶。 SK-MEL-2细胞系从亚二倍体到超四倍体不等,并具有一些遗传异常,例如双着丝粒、次生缩窄和显著的端粒标记。 将冻存管置于37℃水浴中快速解冻。 解冻后立即加入4mL预热的完全培养基,并轻轻混合。 以1000rpm离心3分钟,弃去上清。 用1-2mL新鲜培养基重悬SK-MEL-2细胞。 将SK-MEL-2细胞悬液转移到10cm …
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