Tanks of Czechoslovakia - Wikipedia
The Škoda T-21 (original designation was Škoda Š-IIc) was Škoda's contribution to the IIc army category (medium tanks for general use) and a direct competitor to the Praga V-8-H. Basically, what happened: in the early thirties, both Praga and Škoda (main competitors for the Czechoslovak army contracts, but also when it came to export) had ...
R-3 tank - Wikipedia
R-3 was a proposed Romanian tank design for use in World War II. It was basically a variant of the Czechoslovak S-II-c tank prototype (known as the T-21 tank after 1939), which was itself a variant of the Panzer 35 (t) tank with pneumatic steering [1] which was going to be built in Romania because of the repeated acquisition failures.
Škoda Š-IIc (Škoda T-21) : Czechoslovakia (CZK)
Škoda Š-IIc Škoda T-21 Work on this medium tank began in September 1936. At the same time, the Škoda company worked in cooperation with the ČKD company on the medium tank project ŠP-IIb. The project and prototype went through three phases of modifications before finally meeting the technical requirements and was reliable. 1. phase
Škoda T-21 – Wikipedie
Škoda T-21 (do května 1939 označován jako Š-II-c) byl prototyp československého středního tanku vyvinutý Škodovými závody v letech 1936 až 1938.
Tank Archives: Czechoslovakian Medium
2016年1月16日 · In the end, a Czechoslovakian medium tank was built and did fight, but was better known as the Hungarian Turan. This vehicle was made on the basis of the T-21 export version of the Skoda S-II-c. Meanwhile, the Czechoslovakian army picked a …
盘点上世纪30-40年代那些斯柯达公司设计的坦克(二) - 哔哩哔哩
经过评估,军方以50万克朗的价格订购了一辆SU原型车,该车拥有一只旋转炮塔,安装一门37mm火炮,动力则由一台排量8L的四汽缸液冷汽油引擎提供,最大功率110马力。 SU轻型坦克原型车. 在SU的基础上,斯柯达继续进行新坦克的研发,并很快在几个月后的10月份展示给国防部一只木质模型,型号称为S-II-a(S代表斯柯达,II代表轻型,a代表骑兵)。 第二年6月,两辆新产品的原型车走出工厂,并开始在布拉格以东30km的米洛维茨(Milowitz)军队试验场接受测试( …
Catainium's Tanks: Škoda T-21 Medium Tank - Blogger
2015年12月15日 · The Škoda T-21 was a Czechoslovakian medium tank that was the basis for the Hungarian Turan. The tank was similar to the Škoda T-22 and Škoda T-23. Variants:
捷克的军马——斯柯达T-25中型坦克 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
最明显的是拥有更好的装甲的四号坦克F2型的引进(Panzer IV Ausf.F2 model)(装备更长的7.5cm火炮),其可以利用现有的生产能力(capacity)。 第一个完全可使用的T-25大概率直到1943年晚期才能够制造,因为测试和正式通过它以进行生产所需的时间太长。 在1943年,T-25的设计是否还是优秀的是值得怀疑的,在那时它可能已经被认为是过时的(obsolete)。 被拒绝的另一个可能的原因是,德国陆军不情愿引进另一种设计(因为在那时虎式坦克的升级发展正在进 …
Carro armato medio Skoda T-21. - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年3月22日 · Carro armato medio Skoda T-21. History. It was 1940. The Second World War had just begun, but not for Italy which was aiming for a quick rearmament before entering the conflict. Word had reached the heads of the Italian Army of a tank of Czech origin from Skoda called the T-21 which had promising characteristics since its conception in 1936.
Škoda T-25 - Tank Encyclopedia
2018年12月24日 · By 1938, Škoda works focused on designing a new branch of medium tanks, known as the T-21, T-22 and T-23. Due to the German occupation of Czechoslovakia and the establishment of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in March 1939, the work on these models was stopped.