Škoda Š-I-d (T-32) - Tank Encyclopedia
2022年4月11日 · For its small size, the T-32 was remarkably well-armed. Its main armament consists of a Škoda 37 mm ÚVJ gun (sometimes called Škoda 37 mm A3). Part of the gun and its upper recoil cylinder were protected with a steel jacket. The elevation of this gun was -10° to +25°, while the traverse was 15° in both directions.
T-32 (Š-I-D) - Wikipedia
The Škoda Š-I-d (T-32) tankette was a Czechoslovak-designed tankette used exclusively by the Kingdom of Yugoslavia during World War II. Its design was based on the Škoda MU-4 tank and built specifically to Yugoslav specifications.
Škoda Š-I-D : Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic / Slovak Republic …
Skoda Š-I-D, later tank T-32, later Beute Pz. Kpfw. 732 (j). Photo via Fronta.cz - drawing from the prospectus of the Joint Stock Company, formerly Škoda Plzen. Škodovy závody, výkres č. Zb5600P z roku 1937.
Š-I-D and Š-I-j Tank Destroyers | For the Record
2014年3月18日 · today, we are going to talk about the Š-I-D (also known as T-32) and the Š-I-j (known as T-3D), first being a Czechoslovak self-propelled gun by Škoda (as far as I can tell, the only purely Czechoslovak SPG, that actually fought in the war and fired shots in anger) and the latter being its proposed upgrade, that made it into prototype stage.
Armored Underdog | Škoda Š-I-d (T-32) - YouTube
Acquisition of armored vehicles from Czechoslovakia for their motorized forces was one such attempt. While eight Š-I-D tankettes would be acquired, these efforts proved to be insufficient to...
Škoda T-32 (Š-I-D) - Wikipedia
Lo Škoda Š-I-D o Брза борна кола T-32 (in serbo Brza borna kola T-32: carro armato veloce T-32) era un tankette cecoslovacco prodotto alla fine degli anni trenta per il Reale Esercito Jugoslavo e impiegato nella seconda guerra mondiale.
二战美国重型坦克结晶,M26“潘兴”的孪生兄弟,T32重型坦克 - 知乎
为了弥补动力的不足,T32引擎改为770马力的福特GAC V-12汽油发动机,比M26的引擎高了近300马力的输出能力;拉长的底盘从6对负重轮增加至7对,履带、负重轮等为同样的零配件。 坦克装甲适当加强,车体正面为54°倾斜角的127毫米装甲,炮塔正面加上炮盾厚度达到了298毫米,即便是炮塔后部也有152毫米,整体防御力以二战水平来看,算得上一流水平。 坦克主炮为一门73倍径的T15E2型90毫米炮,其打击能力和虎王的长88炮不相上下,采用分装式弹药,经过测试, …
Skoda S-I-D T32 - wardrawings.be
Max. Speed: 41 km/h | Power/weight: 12.5 hp/t | Range: 260 km.
TANKS RARITIES: Škoda Š-Id / Š-ID / T-32 / Š-IJ
2019年8月9日 · El Š-ID, luego denominado T-32 fue un vehículo blindado de transición, concebido por la empresa checoslovaca Škoda formalmente como cañón de asalto y funcionalmente como destructor de tanques ligero , sobre la base de un diseño propio previo, el Š-Id. Encargado por el ejército yugoslavo, entró en servicio en 1937.
T32重型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T32重型坦克是一款由 美国陆军 于 第二次世界大战 末期设计制造的 重型坦克,目的在于验证突破用重型坦克能否用中型坦克直接放大而成。 它在 M26潘兴中型坦克 基础上增强了火力和装甲,并采用了 T29重型坦克 的一些零件,从1945年至1946年间共生产原型车四辆。 T32错过了二战,但为美国重型坦克设计提供了宝贵的经验。 1944年12月, M26潘兴中型坦克 (当时称重型坦克)尚未投入 欧洲战场,但 美国陆军司令部 已开始担心这款46吨级的坦克是否有足够的火力和装甲 …
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