Oner (gamer) - Wikipedia
Moon Hyeon-jun (Korean: 문현준), better known as Oner, [a] is a South Korean professional League of Legends player for T1. Throughout his career, he has won one League of Legends Champions Korea (LCK) titles and two League of Legends World Championship titles.
文炫竣 - 百度百科
文炫竣(游戏ID:Oner,Moon Hyeon-joon (문현준)),2002年12月24日出生于韩国,《英雄联盟》职业选手,司职打野,效力于T1。 2020年3月加入T1的青训队,在2021年LCK春季赛对阵LSB的比赛中正式出道。
Oner - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki - Fandom
Mun "Oner" Hyeon-jun (Hangul: 문현준) is a League of Legends esports player, currently jungler for T1.
T1續約「ZOFGK」進度達成2/4!Oner、Keria簽了 關鍵成員卻離隊 …
2024年11月15日 · 今(15)日下午,T1官方宣布打野選手Oner正式續約成功,合約已簽訂至 2026 年。 而在昨(14)日則是可愛輔助Keria率先成功續約,同樣續約到2026年。 目前T1只剩下上路Zeus、下路AD Gumayusi兩人還沒有宣布續約消息。 T1教練團重要人物Roach因為要當兵而離隊。 (圖/翻攝T1臉書)...
ZOFGK | Home
ZOFGK is an abbreviation for T1's League of Legends 5-man roster: Zeus, Oner, Faker, Gumayusi, and Keria. A brotherhood of 5 players who stuck together despite falling short several times, they have earned recognition and support from fans all around the world and became a major icon in the scene over the past few years.
Oner - Liquipedia League of Legends Wiki
Mun "Oner" Hyeon-jun (born December 24, 2002) is a Korean League of Legends player who is currently playing as a Jungler for T1.
LOL/關係極差!T1 Oner談親姊姊:國中開始超討厭她 | udn遊戲 …
2024年10月17日 · 《英雄聯盟》戰隊 T1 近日釋出打野選手 Oner 一小時紀錄片「CARVED : FLOWER」,講述其從小到大的人生軌跡,其中 Oner 的親姊姊在訪問中忍不住落淚,表示自己小時候沒有照顧好弟弟。
【T1长篇纪录片】 Oner | CARVED : FLOWER_游戏热门视频
[ Oner一路走来的历程 | CARVED : FLOWER ] 【S13, S14全球总决赛蝉联冠军】职业选手文炫竣,T1的冠军打野Oner 历经风霜后盛开的花之所以美丽 并不是因为风霜,而是到最后也不放弃去绽放的机会 T1长篇纪录片<CARVED : FLOWER> 现在公开. 大家好这里是T1! 定期为大家带来队员 …
T1 Oner - OP.GG Esports
Check the T1 Oner's match schedule, stats, and builds.
Oner - TrackingThePros
Oner, or Moon Hyun-joon (문현준), is a jungler for T1 and KR resident.