Blackburn Skua and Roc colour schemes and markings
When it was first rolled out of the factory, the first, short-nosed, Skua prototype (K5178) had a natural metal finish with many differences in tone between the various metal panels, a distinct contrast to the more uniform finish of production Skuas.
South polar skua - Wikipedia
Adults are greyish brown above, and have a whitish (pale morph) or straw-brown (intermediate morph) head and underparts, and the contrast between head and body makes it easy to separate from similar species with good views.
South Polar Skua | Audubon Field Guide
Bulky, powerful, with wide wings, thick neck. Brown with white wing flash (more obvious than in jaegers). Dark back contrasts with pale nape; head and underparts often paler also. Compare to Great Skua. Young Pomarine Jaeger also can resemble skua. Usually silent in …
Skua - Wikipedia
Skuas are medium to large birds, typically with grey or brown plumage, often with white markings on the wings. [6] . The skuas range in size from the long-tailed skua, Stercorarius longicauda, at 310 grams (0.68 pounds), to the brown skua, Stercorarius antarcticus, at 1.63 kg (3.6 lb).
South Polar Skua - eBird
Bulky cold-brown seabird with white wing flashes. Usually seen singly in strong and direct flight, sometimes resting on the ocean with rafts of shearwaters. Chases gulls, large shearwaters, and even boobies, forcing them to regurgitate their food.
The Blackburn Skua - AERO ACES
Ever since I saw an old Earl Stahl rubber-powered flying model plan for the Blackburn Skua, I've wanted to build one. When I finally discovered how inaccurate that old flying model plan was, I was disappointed, and I determined to do a better one. This would require accurate drawings, and as I soon discovered, none such existed.
Brown Skua - eBird
Large, dark brown skua with a very robust beak. Several subspecies vary in plumage from largely dark to mottled pale brown. In flight, exhibits a broad white patch on both upperwings and underwings. Usually seen well offshore, less often towards the coast; often follows boats.
Great skua - Wikipedia
Adults are a streaked greyish brown, with a black cap, while juveniles are a warmer brown and unstreaked below. They have a short, blunt tail, and a powerful flight. The great skua's call is a harsh hah-hah-hah-hah; quacking and croaking noises have also been heard.
Blackburn Skua interior colour. - Aircraft WWII - Britmodeller.com
2011年7月2日 · Many front-line Skuas had their under-surfaces repainted. In some cases from from aluminum to aluminium with black port wing to Sky-Grey to black/white, to sky blue and then Sky. There's a fair chance that the wheel well colour followed the under-surface colour. Interests:British military postwar types in 1/72nd. What a quality picture, cheers Ian!
7 Skua Birds (With Pictures) - Avibirds.com
Skuas are mid-sized gull-like birds with brown or gray plumage and white wing markings. Their longish bills are hooked at the tip with a fleshy cere above the upper mandible. They have webbed feet with sharp, albeit small, claws. Unlike gulls, skua females are larger than the males.